PD — 4 - Mountain Street Classics Townhomes  

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  • A.

    Land Use. The following land uses shall be permitted:


    Residential: Single-Family; Multifamily; Adult Day Care, Limited; Small Family Day Care Home; and Residential Care, Limited;


    Commercial: Commercial Filming with a filming Conditional Use Permit;


    Accessory: Home Occupation; and other accessory uses reasonably related to the permitted uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator;


    Temporary: Commercial Filming, Limited; Personal Property Sales; Street Fairs; and Tents, except that a temporary Conditional Use Permit shall be required if any of the following conditions occur:


    The area covered by tents exceeds 800 square feet;


    Tents are located on the site more than 36 hours;


    Tents are on the site more than twice in a calendar year.


    Density. The maximum number of units shall be 46 residential units.


    Development Standards. New construction shall substantially conform to Exhibit C, entitled "Illustrative Site Plan: Mountain Street Classics," dated May 22, 1996 (hereinafter, Exhibit C), and herein incorporated by reference. In addition, the following development standards shall apply:


    Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 35 percent for the site classified as PD-4, to include the portion of the site covered by roofs, soffits, or overhangs extending more than 3 feet from a wall and by decks more than 4 feet in height measured from finish grade. Roofs with openings or perforations 50 percent or greater of the surface area of the roof shall not be included in the lot coverage calculations. For the purposes of calculating lot coverage, the lot area includes the area of private streets and driveways.


    Minimum Yards. The minimum yards shall be as follows:


    A yard with a minimum of 20 feet in depth shall be provided along the Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue property lines and shall be planted in its entirety between the property line and the occupancy frontage, except for walkways, driveways, and private patios;


    A yard with a minimum of 5 feet in depth shall be provided along all other property lines;


    A yard with a minimum of 5 feet in depth shall be provided along private streets.


    Yard Encroachments. The permitted encroachments into minimum yards shall be as follows:


    A maximum projection of up to 5 feet into the yards along the Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue property lines may be permitted for the following encroachments:




    Open porches no higher than one story;


    Bays no greater than 10 feet long and no higher than two stories (with a frequency no greater than one bay per 15 feet of building wall);


    Uncovered steps, landings, or patios not more than 3 feet in height measured from finish grade;


    Uninhabitable encroachments such as chimneys and projecting eaves.


    A maximum projection of up to 3 feet into all other yards may be permitted for the following encroachments:


    Uncovered steps, landings, or patios not more than 1 foot in height measured from finish grade and no more than 10 feet in length measured parallel to the building;


    Uninhabitable encroachments such as chimneys and projecting eaves.


    Building Separation. The minimum separation between buildings shall be as follows:


    Separation Between Buildings on Adjacent Lots. A yard of 8 feet between any property line and any portion of building wall which contains doors or windows shall be provided as follows:


    When any portion of new building wall is within 15 feet or less of a facing wall of any existing (principal or accessory) structure on an adjacent site where either wall contains a window or aggregate of windows 16 square feet in size or more, or a door;


    When any portion of new building wall is within 10 feet or less of a facing wall of any existing (principal or accessory) structure on an adjacent site where either wall contains a window or aggregate of windows less than 16 square feet in size;


    In cases where the requirements for separation between buildings on adjacent lots and the minimum yard requirements of paragraph 2 herein conflict, the more stringent requirements govern.


    Separation between Buildings on the Same Lot. A minimum separation between buildings shall be provided as follows:


    A minimum separation of 15 feet between buildings on the same lot shall be provided for any portion of new building wall facing another building wall where either wall contains a window or aggregate of windows 16 square feet in size or more, or a door;


    In all other cases, a minimum separation of 10 feet between buildings on the same lot shall be provided;


    In cases where the requirements for separation between buildings on the same lot and the landscaped courtyard requirements of paragraph 6 herein conflict, the more stringent requirements govern.


    Encroachments into Minimum Separations Between Buildings. Uninhabitable encroachments such as chimneys and projecting eaves may project a maximum of 3 feet into any minimum separation between buildings on either adjacent lots or the same lot.


    Building Orientation. Buildings shall have individual unit entrances articulated by such architectural elements as stoops, overhangs, ornamental hoods, or porches. In addition, buildings shall be oriented as follows:


    Buildings facing Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue shall have:


    Individual unit entrances facing or visible from the street;


    Street facades with windows or an aggregate of windows 16 square feet in size or more, or doors.


    All other buildings. The majority of buildings not facing public streets shall face common open spaces such as landscaped courtyards or recreation areas, as provided for in Exhibit C, and meeting the requirements of paragraph 6 herein. In addition, all buildings shall have:


    Individual unit entrances facing or visible from a private street or common open spaces;


    Building facades with windows or an aggregate of windows 16 square feet in size or more, or doors, for any facade facing a private street or common open spaces.


    Common Open Space Areas. Common open spaces to include but not limited to landscaped courtyards and recreation areas provided as part of the paragraph 5 herein shall be visible from a public or private street and shall have a minimum dimension of 25 feet. At least 50% of landscaped courtyards shall be planted. Encroachments permitted to project for a maximum projection of up to 5 feet into such common open spaces shall be as follows:




    Open porches no higher than one story;


    Bays no greater than 10 feet long and no higher than two stories (with a frequency no greater than one bay per 15 feet of building wall);


    Uncovered steps, landings, or patios not more than 3 feet in height measured from finish grade;


    Uninhabitable encroachments such as chimneys and projecting eaves.


    Maximum Height. The maximum building height shall be 23 feet to the top plate and 36 feet to the highest ridgeline, with height measured from finish grade. Chimneys may exceed the permitted height by no more than 2 feet.


    Open Space. A minimum of 35 percent of the site classified as PD-4 shall be open space, to include but not limited to landscaped areas, recreation areas, private patios, courtyards, and walkways no more than 4 feet in width. All open space areas shall be finished with landscaping or decorative paving.


    Paving Standards. The following paving standards shall apply:


    Concrete may be used for walkways up to 4 feet in width but is not acceptable for area paving unless mandated by the Uniform Building Code;


    Unplanted areas with a minimum dimension of 5 feet or more shall be paved with unit pavers such as brick, tile or concrete setts or covered with decomposed granite or garden gravel.


    Landscaping and Maintenance. Landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained and irrigated with an automatic system in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.64. The majority of landscaped areas shall be planted with low water-using plants. Grass shall be excluded from areas difficult to irrigate, such as sidewalk strips, slopes, and planting areas less than 5 feet in width. At least one 24-inch-box tree shall be planted for each residential unit and for each tree removed from the project site. New trees shall be distributed throughout the site. A landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit and shall contain the specimen or common names of plants, sizes, location on the site, and number of each variety used.


    Walls and Fences. Walls or fences located between a public or private street and any occupancy frontage may be to 6 feet in height provided that the material used for the fence or wall for any portion of the wall above 4 feet has perforations through at least 50 percent of its surface area. Walls or fences along property lines adjacent to any PS district may be up to 10 feet in height. A wall or fence in a landscaped courtyard as described in paragraph 6 herein for common open space areas, or a wall or fence between a public or private street and such landscaped courtyard, shall not exceed 4 feet in height. Walls and fences bordering a private patio or private open space within said landscaped courtyard may be up to 6 feet in height, provided that the material used for the fence or wall for any portion of the wall above 4 feet in height has perforations through at least 50 percent of its surface area. All other interior walls or fences may be up to 6 feet in height without limitation on the material used. Walls or fences near intersecting streets or driveways must comply with the sight distance triangle provisions of Section 12.12.020.


    Off-Street Parking. The applicable standards of the off-street loading and parking regulations of Chapter 17.68 shall apply, except as here modified. A minimum of 2 covered parking spaces shall be provided on site for each unit. All covered parking spaces shall be equipped with automatic garage door openers. A minimum of 9 uncovered parking spaces for guest parking shall also be provided on site.


    Accessory Structures. Accessory structures shall be permitted as follows:


    Accessory structures shall not be constructed prior to the construction of a primary structure;


    Accessory structures may be located in a minimum yard, except that such structures shall not be permitted between a public street property line and any occupancy frontage, and in any yard within 100 feet of a street property line. Accessory structures shall maintain a minimum separation of 6 feet from any other structure on the lot.


    Accessory structures shall be limited to one story with a maximum height of 18 feet and a maximum top plate height of 12.5 feet. An accessory structure shall be limited to a maximum height of 12 feet in height at the property line and shall not intercept an inclined daylight plane slope inward from a point 12 feet above the property line and rising 2 feet for each foot of distance from the property line. Eaves may project into the inclined daylight plane slope;


    Accessory structures shall be limited to uses which are accessory to the main use, including but not limited to, garage or carport, pergola, pool, or hot tub and related equipment, greenhouse, cabana, gazebo or workshop;


    Pools, spas, and related equipment shall not be closer than 5 feet from a property line;


    No swimming pool or hot tub shall be located closer than 15 feet, measured in a horizontal plane, to any unenclosed balcony, porch, landing or access way which is more than 8 feet above the elevation of the adjoining pool deck or coping, if there is no deck. Windows above the first floor within 15 feet of a swimming pool shall be fixed.


    Signs. The following sign standards shall apply:


    On-Premise Signs. No sign shall be located more than eight feet above the finish grade. Signs near intersecting streets or driveways must comply with the sight distance triangle provisions of Section 12.12.020. Illumination of signs shall be permitted as established in Section 17.72.050. The following additional regulations shall apply:


    Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue. A maximum of two wall or freestanding signs for project identification along the combined Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue property lines may be permitted. The maximum sign area shall be 16 square feet of total sign area for the combined Mountain Street and Lincoln Avenue street frontages.


    Manzanita Avenue. One wall or freestanding sign may be permitted along the Manzanita Street property line, not to exceed 3 square feet of sign area.


    Exempt and Prohibited Signs. The provisions of Section 17.72.020 and Section 17.72.060 governing exempt signs and prohibited signs, respectively, shall apply.


    Temporary Real Estate Signs. The following standards for temporary real estate signs shall apply:


    During construction and prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, there shall be no limitation on the number or size of temporary real estate signs advertising the property for rent, lease, or sale.


    Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, no more than 2 signs advertising the property for rent, lease, or sale shall be permitted for any street frontage. No sign shall exceed 3 square feet in area.


    Screening of Mechanical Equipment. The provisions of Chapter 17.64 governing the screening of mechanical equipment shall apply, except as modified herein. All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from public or private streets, driveways, recreation areas, common areas, and walkways. Exterior mechanical equipment may be located in any minimum yard, except no such equipment shall be located between a public street and any building line. The top of exterior mechanical equipment need not be screened from view from above.


    Refuse Storage Areas. The provisions of Chapter 17.64 governing refuse storage shall apply. The Public Works director shall determine the minimum size of required refuse storage area based on the type of use, the size of the refuse area proposed, and the frequency of refuse collection.


    Performance Standards. The performance standards in Chapter 17.64 shall apply.


    Design Review. The project shall be subject to Design Review and approval as required by Chapter 17.92. In addition, the Planning Director shall review and approve all new construction or substantial exterior alterations affecting views of the project from the public right-of-way or a significant portion of the site. All other exterior alterations shall be exempt from Design Review.


    Public Rights-of-Way. All unused drive approaches shall be closed with standard concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The driveway access from Mountain Street shall be a minimum of one hundred feet from the 210 Freeway public right-of-way. In addition, the following improvements as specified by the Public Works Director shall be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy:


    Mountain Street shall be restriped to allow left-turns to/from the driveway access on Mountain Street;


    A minimum of 3 new street lights shall be provided;


    A maximum of up to 6 new 24-inch-box street trees shall be installed along the project street frontage.


    Lot Consolidation. A tentative tract map to consolidate the existing lots and for condominium purposes shall be filed within 6 months of the issuance of a building permit and prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy. The tentative tract map shall include any dedicated easements, as required, for sewer, storm drain, public utilities, or ingress/egress purposes in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Public Works Director. If the tentative tract map is approved, the applicant or successor in interest shall record a final tract map within the time period allowed under the Subdivision Map Act of California Government Code Sections 66410 to 66499.58.


    Applicability. Any conditions and mitigation measures adopted as part of any required approval for the project, as well as the code requirements of other City departments, shall remain applicable.