PD — 5 - Allesandro Place/Fair Oaks  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Conditionally permitted uses shall be those restricted to and directly supportive of hospital uses. Such uses include medical offices, laboratories, clinics and other such facilities that are medically oriented as well as ancillary automobile parking.

    The property facing Hurlbut Street shall specifically be restricted to surface parking.


    No new structure shall exceed 50 feet in height excluding mechanical equipment. Parking structures shall be limited to 2 stories above grade. Maximum lot coverage shall be limited to 45 percent.


    Front yard setbacks shall be required and shall not be less than 20 feet. Side and rear yard setback shall not be less than 10 feet.


    Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 17.68 of this title.


    Vehicular access from Hurlbut Street shall be limited to ingress only. Vehicular egress shall be prohibited onto Hurlbut Street. Parking on the parcel facing Hurlbut Street shall be restricted to employee parking only.