PD — 3 - Kinneloa Annexation  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Conditionally Permitted Uses.


    All uses permitted in the CG District shall be conditionally permitted except that no commercial development shall be allowed where it would cause an adjacent residential use to have commercial uses on 2 side lines. Hours of operation of commercial uses shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. All developments shall abide by residential noise standards as established in Section 9.36 of the Pasadena Municipal Code.


    Street Access. Except for developments which conform with the requirements of the RS District (Chapter 17.20), there shall be no vehicular access to Green Street.


    Parking Requirements. All uncovered parking areas shall be screened according to the provisions of Section 17.68.150. No parking shall be allowed in any required yard.


    Building Height Limit. No building in the PD-3 District shall exceed 1½ stories or 22 feet in height.


    Stepbacks. For every building in the PD-3 District over 20 feet in height above the adjacent finished grade of a contiguous property in an R District, 3 feet of stepback shall be required for each additional 10 feet of vertical height or fraction thereof. No stepback shall be required adjacent to an alley.


    Side and Rear Yards. There shall be no side or rear yard required in the PD-3 District, unless the side or rear line is adjacent to a property with a residential use, in which case a yard of not less than 5 feet shall be provided.


    Yards Adjacent to Street. There shall be a front or side yard abutting every lot line adjacent to a street. Such yards shall be governed by the requirements of Chapter 17.20 (RS District). Every yard in the PD-3 District abutting a street shall include a landscaped area not less than 5 feet wide along the length of the yard. There shall be no yard required along an alley.


    Landscaping. A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of any Conditional Use Permit. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent underground irrigation system. One hundred percent of all landscaped areas shall be planting areas. The landscape plan shall include plant materials placed so as to grow to screen walls, fences and interior uses.


    Findings Required. In addition to the findings required by Chapter 17.88 of this title, the following findings shall be made in the affirmative in the action of the hearing officer in granting a Conditional Use Permit in the PD-3 District.


    That the development will not be detrimental to the residential character of the area.


    That the development will not "landlock" any residential parcel, as specified in Section A1 of the PD-3 District development standards.