§ 17.46.050. Shared Parking  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Requirements for sharing spaces. For any site where the hours of operation allow the shared use of parking spaces to occur without conflict, the number of parking spaces required may be reduced in compliance with this Section.


    Minor Conditional Use Permit required. A Minor Conditional Use Permit, in compliance with Section 17.61.050 shall be required for the sharing of parking and/or loading spaces. The Minor Conditional Use Permit shall apply to each and every property subject to the shared parking and/or loading arrangement.


    Allowable walking distances for shared parking. The Zoning Administrator shall ensure that the shared parking arrangement provides that all of the required number of parking spaces are within the maximum walking distances identified in Section 17.46.020, Table 4-4 (Maximum Distances for Off-Site Parking) of the use served, measured from the nearest corner of the parking facility to the entrance of the use served via the shortest pedestrian route.


    Contract required.


    The Minor Conditional Use Permit shall contain a condition requiring that the applicant submit a signed contract between the applicant and the other property owner(s) providing the off-street parking spaces subject to the shared parking arrangement.


    The contract shall be subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator.


    The contract shall also be subject to review by the City Attorney, as to form and content.


    Parking study. The Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to submit a parking study, prepared by a person/firm experienced in preparing parking plans, to assist the Zoning Administrator in determining the appropriate shared parking reduction.


    Urban Land Institute methodology. The Zoning Administrator may utilize the Urban Land Institute's (ULI) Shared Parking methodology as a guide in reviewing the shared parking proposal submitted by the applicant, and in approving the required Minor Conditional Use Permit.


    Location of shared parking spaces. Shared parking spaces shall only be located in a zoning district in which the uses that are the subject of the Minor Conditional Use Permit application are an allowed use.


    Shared loading spaces. Loading spaces may also be shared in compliance with this Section. However, the loading spaces shall only be shared if located on an adjoining lot.


    Findings. In addition to the Minor Conditional Use Permit findings identified in Section 17.61.050, the following findings shall be made:


    The spaces to be provided would be available as long as the uses requiring the spaces lawfully exist; and


    The quality and efficiency of the parking or loading utilization would equal or exceed the level that is otherwise required.