Chapter 17.46. Parking and Loading  

§ 17.46.010. Purpose of Chapter
§ 17.46.020. Basic Requirements for Off-Street Parking and Loading
§ 17.46.030. Zoning Credit Parking Program
§ 17.46.040. Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required
§ 17.46.050. Shared Parking
§ 17.46.060. Participation in Public Parking Assessment District
§ 17.46.070. Reduced Parking in Senior Citizens' Housing Developments
§ 17.46.080. Tandem Parking
§ 17.46.090. Compact Parking Spaces Prohibited
§ 17.46.100. Parking Spaces for the Handicapped
§ 17.46.110. Parking Space Dimensions
§ 17.46.120. Application of Dimensional Requirements
§ 17.46.130. Aisle Dimensions
§ 17.46.140. Parking Access from Street
§ 17.46.150. Driveway Design, Widths, and Clearances
§ 17.46.160. Driveway Configuration for Multi-Family Projects
§ 17.46.170. Driveway Visibility
§ 17.46.180. Driveway Location and Frequency for Multi-Family Projects
§ 17.46.190. Garage Door and Grille Standards for Multi-Family Projects
§ 17.46.200. Driveway Encroachments for Multi-Family Projects
§ 17.46.210. Parking Area Screening — Walls and Fences
§ 17.46.220. Outdoor Parking Area Lighting
§ 17.46.230. Parking Lot Landscaping
§ 17.46.240. Parking Structure Yards and Landscaping
§ 17.46.250. Central District Additional Standards for Parking
§ 17.46.260. Number, Location, and Design of Off-Street Loading Spaces
§ 17.46.270. Ramps
§ 17.46.280. Driveway Paving for Multi-Family Projects
§ 17.46.290. Trip Reduction Requirements for Residential and Nonresidential Projects
§ 17.46.300. Paving
§ 17.46.310. Electric Recharge Stations
§ 17.46.320. Bicycle Parking Standards