PD — 9 - El Mirador
The average lot area (exclusive of the open space lot) shall be not less than 22,586 square feet, and no individual lot area may be less than 15,000 square feet.
Lot width shall be not less than 100 feet at the front building line.
Special construction and site requirements of the HATE District and the required width and grade requirements for driveways of such district shall be strictly followed.
Developments on the lots designated 5, 6 and 12 on revised Tentative Tract Map 41465 shall be subject to building criteria developed by the Zoning Administrator. The City Council shall adopt the building criteria reasonably necessary to implement this development standard at the first quarterly review of this planned unit development.
The "Wabash Knoll" shall not be physically altered.
All cut and fill slopes shall be contoured to meet side slopes with radii of at least 25 feet and to meet upper and lower slopes with radii of at least 10 feet.
The development shall comply with the parking requirements of the HATE District.
The street width shall be 32 feet curb to curb. A 5-foot wide sidewalk within a 10-foot sidewalk and utility easement may be required on one side of the street, and an 18-inch to 3-foot wide carriage walk may be required on the other side of the street.
Street grade shall not exceed 12 percent except that 15 percent segments shall be permitted for limited distances if the Zoning Administrator determines that the difficult terrain of the site warrants such action.
The Zoning Administrator shall consult with abutting property owners to determine a mutually acceptable wall design for the periphery of the site adjacent to the existing residences located to the north and east.
The Zoning Administrator shall review and approve the final landscape plan (per Section 17.48.040(J)) for the slope, common open space and graded areas prior to issuance of any permits. The landscape plan shall include the following:
Specific attention shall be given to retaining and enhancing the existing riparian habitat in the upper canyon area. Plant materials used should be appropriate to lower foothill riparian ecosystems.
The developer shall consult with a biologist to ensure the debris basins provide maximum benefit to riparian habitat. No fences or other barriers to animal movement shall be placed along these drainages.
Maximum effort shall be given to retaining existing trees in place. All trees to be retained in places shall be suitably protected during grading operations. For trees to be removed, emphasis shall be placed on transplanting them on site. For each native tree larger than 4-inch caliper which is removed and not transplanted on site, a replacement tree shall be planted on the site. For trees in excess of 8-inch caliper, the replacement tree shall be 48-inch box or larger, or a combination of sizes to be approved by the Zoning Administrator. All trees shall be planted prior to release of the letter of credit described in paragraph N below and shall be maintained by the applicant or his successor(s) in interest until the individual lots are transferred to individual ownership or to a homeowners association.
On completion of final grading, the developer shall replant and irrigate cut-and-fill slopes so that revegetation can occur as soon as possible. Consideration shall be given to use of drought adapted, fire-retardant plant materials, especially species native to Southern California foothills.
The developer shall provide a complete irrigation plan. If water requiring species are used for rapid growth, a water injection system shall be installed rather than sprinkling systems. No irrigation system shall be permitted in areas of existing natural vegetation.
To minimize entry of sediment into preserved drainage courses, resulting from construction, consideration should be given to use of rapid developing soil anchoring ground cover and strategic placement of run-off retaining structures.
Landscaping shall screen views of downslope elevations to the extent feasible.
Areas where fuel loads constitute a significant fire threat shall be cleared or thinned of existing plant material to the satisfaction of the fire department.
Topsoil shall be stockpiled during grading and redistributed on appropriate surface areas during the fine grading operation.
Prior to release of the letter of credit, the Zoning Administrator shall find that the applicant has complied with the landscape plan, and that the ground cover, shrubs and trees on the graded slopes are planted and established.
The Zoning Administrator shall review and approve a complete grading plan prior to issuance of any permits. The grading plan shall include the following:
Hauling route and schedule which provides the least impact to surrounding residents.
Maximum use of passive drainage controls (landscaping, small diversion basins, etc.) as opposed to active control devices (paved swales, below grade storm drain systems, etc.).
Phased grading and tree removal plan in order to retain escape routes for native fauna.
Strict conformance to the standards of Municipal Code Chapter 14.05 (Excavation and Grading of Hillsides), including slope gradients.
Minimum 95 percent compacting in the upper 12 inches of all street subgrades.
Excavation and refilling (with compacted fill) in areas of porous, compressible or alluvial soils where buildings are to be located.
Stockpiling for later reuse of topsoil.
During grading operations, the soil shall be watered down to prevent escape of airborne dust.
Cut and fill activity shall substantially balance so that earth import or export does not exceed 15,000 cubic yards.
The height of cut slopes shall not exceed 20 feet.
The maximum height of finished cuts for roads, walkways, walks and driveways shall not exceed 8 feet unless such cut is also necessary for the formation of a pad in which case 20 feet is the maximum height.
The height of fill slopes shall not exceed 30 feet.
Debris basins shall be constructed to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District standards.
The developer shall submit a covenant approved by the city attorney's office to ensure that the following standards are met:
All homes shall have noncombustible roofs.
Street-facing windows of units shall be constructed with double-paned windows and/or other attenuation measures as needed to reduce interior noise below 45 decibels.
The developer shall make the following recommendations to the purchasers of the lots with respect to crime prevention methods:
Exterior doors should be metal or solid wood with a 1-inch deadbolt that locks in addition to a key-in-the-knob lock.
When a door has glass panes or windows within 40 inches of a lock, a double cylinder deadlock is recommended so that a key is required to open the door from either side.
All ground floor windows should have key operated sashlocks.
To prevent sliding glass doors from being lifted from the track, it is recommended that 1-1/4 inch pan head sheet metal screws be inserted into the top of the door frame at both ends and the middle so that the door barely clears them when it is operated.
Sliding glass doors should be fitted with deadlocks which utilize bore pin tumbler cylinders.
No truck traffic to or from the site during initial site grading shall occur during the time period when school busses pick up and drop off children on El Mirador Drive.
All grading, landscaping and irrigation systems and public improvements shall be complete within 18 months of initial grading activity.
Local streets used by trucks and equipment servicing this project during construction shall be washed down daily if necessary. Any damage to public streets as a result of the grading activity shall be repaired at the expense of the developer.
Bylaws for the formation of a homeowners' association.
Homeowners association conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&R's) indicating:
The permanent dedication of the open space lot for open space uses. Ownership of the open space lot shall be transferred to the homeowners' association in perpetuity for maintenance and assumption of all liability.
Continued maintenance program for debris basins, slopes and vacant lots which provides for maintenance by the applicant or his successor(s) in interest until the individual lots are transferred to individual ownership or to a homeowners' association.
Continued maintenance program for debris basins, slopes and vacant lots which provides for maintenance by individual lot owners, or by a homeowners' association until construction begins on the lots.
Method of financing for such continued maintenance program.
Construction shall be limited to weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
The developer shall notify prospective lot purchasers of Southern California Gas Company's program to provide assistance in selecting the most effective energy conservation techniques for a development.
Design and construction methods shall include passive solar water heating and space heating/cooling where practical and incorporation of natural ventilation techniques such as:
South-facing overhangs;
Shading of windows where practical;
Heat absorbing window screens;
Double glazed or other high-STC rated windows for noise abatement and energy savings;
Insulate hot water heater and pipes;
Locate water heater as close as possible to areas needing hot water;
Clock or electronic thermostat controlled space conditioning system to automatically switch off equipment during nonoccupancy hours;
Place heating/cooling equipment near points of use; and
Locate thermostats where they will accurately measure temperatures experienced by people.
The developer shall provide a letter of credit approved by the city attorney's office and the planning director to ensure that the grading project (including the construction of drainage and protective devices and any corrective work necessary to remove and eliminate engineering and geological hazards), landscaping, irrigation systems and public improvement requirements contained in the development standards and subsequent conditions of subdivision approval will be completed within 18 months of initial grading activity.
The applicant shall provide a letter of credit approved by the city attorney's office and the planning director to ensure that there is continued maintenance of debris basins, slopes and vacant lots after the expiration of the 18-month period discussed in paragraph N above. Such maintenance shall continue until the developer has sold 50 percent of the lots at which time the homeowners' association shall assume responsibility for such maintenance.