PD — 10 - Colorado/Lake  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted uses shall be limited to office and retail uses and the parking required therefore.


    The overall height of the office building shall not exceed 161 feet.


    Setbacks for the major mass of the 10-story office building shall be 14.5 feet from Colorado Boulevard and 18.5 feet from Lake Avenue, except at the northeast corner of Colorado Boulevard and Lake Avenue where the major mass of the building will be set back 54.5 feet from Colorado Boulevard and 58.5 feet from Lake Avenue.


    Applicant may construct a glassed-in entrance lobby within the northeast corner setback described in subsection C above, provided that such lobby does not exceed 40 feet in width by 40 feet in length or 20 feet in height.


    The colonnade shall be set back 4.1 feet from Lake Avenue and shall not exceed 20 feet in height. It shall not extend more than 14.5 feet from the major mass of the building except at the northeast corner, where it shall not extend more than 14.5 feet form the glassed-in entrance lobby described in subsection D above.


    The office building shall not exceed 200,827 gross square feet, excluding the mechanical penthouse.


    The office building shall not exceed 22,367 square feet in lot coverage.


    The height of the parking structure shall not exceed 55 feet above the finished grade to the top of the roof wall.


    The parking structure shall be set back 6 feet from Boston Court and 67.2 feet from Mentor Avenue.


    The parking structure shall not exceed 24,422 square feet in lot coverage and shall contain not less than 674 parking spaces of which 241 may be small car parking spaces.


    The parking structure surface shall be treated to reduce tire noise and be designed to accommodate vans. Exhaust fans for underground parking shall be vented to the roof of the parking structure. The parking structure shall be designed to be compatible with the design of the office building. The exterior design of the parking structure shall be reviewed by the city Zoning Administrator and the design review committee. Architectural elements of the parking structure must be similar to and compatible with the proposed office building, including the use of exterior building materials and color.


    Construction activity shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays, with no construction or grading permitted on weekends or holidays.


    The Lieberg Building shall be restored in accordance with the United States Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, and in accordance with the recommendations of the design review committee.