§ 13.04.120. Inspections.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Entry on Premises. Department employees may enter private premises to make inspections or examinations of wires, fixtures or attachments, to read meters, or to determine if there has been unlawful tampering with department equipment, devices or seals, or unlawful installation of devices to evade department metering of energy.

    Department employees whose duty it is to enter upon private premises will be provided with a badge or other identification. Such identification shall be shown to customer at the time of entry on customer's premises.


    Interference with Authorized Employees. The general manager may discontinue service of electrical energy to any premises after written notice to the customer of his intent to do so, for the following causes:


    The customer has refused admittance to an authorized employee, at a reasonable hour, in the performance of his duty; or


    The customer, by his personal conduct, or by maintaining a dangerous condition or vicious animal upon the premises, has hindered or interfered with an authorized employee in the performance of his duty. The general manager shall serve such notice by mailing one copy to the customer at his last known address, and one copy to the premises, if a different address. The general manager need not reconnect the service until the customer has given satisfactory assurance to the general manager that an authorized employee will not be interfered with or hindered, or refused admittance, in the performance of his duty.


    Access to electric meters at the customers facilities shall be provided at all times. If access to the customers meter is prohibited by a locking device on a gate, door or other access entries, customers shall provide PWP with a key to allow access by meter readers or other authorized personnel for the purpose of inspecting and/or maintaining and/or reading the meter. PWP is authorized to install at the customer's facility a lock box accessible only to PWP authorized personnel for the purpose of securing the key on site to gain ready access to the customer's electric meter.

(Ord. 6901 § 15, 2002; Ord. 4922 § 10, 1969: Ord. 2947 § 13, 1931)