§ 13.04.010. Short title.
§ 13.04.020. Definitions.
§ 13.04.030. Light and power rate standards.
§ 13.04.040. Residential single-family service.
§ 13.04.045. Residential multi-family service.
§ 13.04.050. Small commercial and industrial service.
§ 13.04.060. Medium commercial and industrial service—Secondary.
§ 13.04.064. Medium Commercial and Industrial Service—Primary.
§ 13.04.067. Large commercial and industrial service—Secondary.
§ 13.04.070. Large commercial and industrial service—Primary.
§ 13.04.071. Special load management and conservation service.
§ 13.04.073. Economic development rates.
§ 13.04.075. Long-term contracts.
§ 13.04.080. Standby service.
§ 13.04.085. Unmetered rates—Non-demand.
§ 13.04.087. Unmetered rates—Demand.
§ 13.04.090. Street lighting and traffic signal service.
§ 13.04.095. Direct access service.
§ 13.04.096. Direct access transition charge.
§ 13.04.097. Direct access service charge.
§ 13.04.100. Service regulations and charges.
§ 13.04.110. Meter and service installation.
§ 13.04.120. Inspections.
§ 13.04.125. Private underground electric vaults.
§ 13.04.130. City not liable for delivery failures.
§ 13.04.140. Financial responsibility—Delinquency penalty.
§ 13.04.150. Rate schedule changes.
§ 13.04.160. Meter readings combined.
§ 13.04.170. Transmission services charge.
§ 13.04.173. Power cost adjustment.
§ 13.04.175. Reserve for stranded investment.
§ 13.04.176. Stranded investment surcharge.
§ 13.04.177. Net energy metering.
§ 13.04.178. Self-generation service.
§ 13.04.179. Green power service.
§ 13.04.180. Theft of energy.
§ 13.04.190. Apparatus causing interference.
§ 13.04.200. Billing procedure.
§ 13.04.210. Gaseous lighting units.
§ 13.04.220. Added load.
§ 13.04.230. Public benefit charge.