§ 9.95.020. Eviction.  

Latest version.
  • A landlord may, or shall if required by Section 9.95.040, give notice required by law and bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon the happening of any of the following events:


    The tenant is using the rental unit, or allowing the rental unit to be used, for illegal drug dealing activities or purposes.

    The term "illegal drug dealing activities or purposes" includes, but is not limited to, possession for sale or sale of illegal drugs from the rental unit.


    The tenant is committing or permitting to exist a "drug-related nuisance" in the rental unit or the appurtenances thereof, or the common areas of the complex containing the rental unit.

    The term "drug-related nuisance" includes, but is not limited to, any activity commonly associated with arrest and prosecution for illegal drug dealing such as complaints or excessive noise, steady traffic day and night to a particular unit, barricaded units or sighting of weapons, brought to the attention of the landlord by other tenants, persons within the community, or law enforcement agencies.

(Ord. 6335 § 1 (part), 1989)