§ 9.62.120. Exemption from mandatory plan.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any owner may request an exemption on an annual basis from the requirements of this chapter if the owner provides written documentation and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the city that the owner has:


    A contract with a Pasadena licensed cart retrieval service, or a physical device or mechanism in place or a management practice currently implemented that prevents the unauthorized removal of carts from the owner's premises; and,


    None of the owner's carts have been found abandoned on 3 or more occasions during the period of six (6) continuous months immediately preceding the date the date the application for an exemption is submitted to the director.


    A written application for the exemption shall include all of the following:


    The name of the owner and the name of the business; the physical address where the business is conducted; and the name, address and phone number of the on-site and off-site owner;

    The method, management practice, or physical device that will ensure that the carts will not leave the premises.


    Any exemption granted to an owner shall be void upon the sale or transfer of ownership of the business.

(Ord. 6891 § 2 (part), 2002)