§ 9.48.030. Connection permit required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Application. Any person intending to take water through, from or by means of any fire hydrant shall apply in writing to the chief or the general manager showing the location of the hydrant and the times at which he intends to take water or use the hydrant. The application shall include other information required by the general manager and the chief.


    Denial of Permit. The chief may deny a permit when:


    The issuance would interfere with the proper conduct of the fire department and the prevention of fires; or


    The applicant has damaged or injured any fire hydrant, or part thereof, and has not restored the same to the satisfaction of the chief; or


    The applicant is indebted to the city for water, or whose use of water through hydrants is deemed by the general manager to be against public interest.


    Deposit and Permit Fee. No permit shall be issued by the chief or the general manager until a deposit has been made for the permit and a permit fee has been paid for each hydrant included in the permit for each month or portion thereof during which such hydrant will be used. The deposit and permit fee will be in amounts set forth in the water rate ordinance.


    Refund of Deposit. The deposit may be refunded when the chief or the general manager finds the hydrants covered by the permit have not been damaged.

(Ord. 6213 §§ 1, 2, 3, 1987; Ord. 6104 § 1, 1985; Ord. 5568 § 26, 1982; Ord. 4736 § 1 (part), 1965: Ord. 2161 § 3, 1923)