§ 9.88.040. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this chapter, the definitions in California Government Code Sections 82000 et seq. shall apply, with the following additional definitions:


    "Candidate" means any individual, including an elected officer, who is listed on the ballot for election to city office; who has begun circulating nomination papers for election to city office; who receives a contribution or makes an expenditure, or gives his consent for any other person to receive a contribution or make an expenditure, with a view to bringing about his election to city office; or who has otherwise taken action to bring about his election to city office. Candidate also means any elected officer who is the subject of a recall election.


    "City office" means any office of the board of directors.


    "Elected officer" means any person who holds a city office, or who has been elected to a city office, but has not yet taken office. A person who is appointed to fill a vacant city office is an elected officer.


    "Election" means any primary, general or special election held in the city involving candidates for city office, including a recall election. For purposes of this chapter, each primary, general or special election is a separate election.

(Ord. 6075 § 1 (part), 1985)