§ 5.48.190. Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of permit.  

Latest version.
  • The city manager shall deny, suspend or revoke a permit upon a finding that the applicant or permittee is not of good moral character or that the premises and conduct of activities thereon is inimical to the public health, public peace, safety, morals or general welfare. Anyone convicted of a felony or any offense involving fraud, embezzlement or moral turpitude, including, but not limited to, all offenses listed in Penal Code Sections 290, any subsection of Section 311 through 311.9, Sections 314 through 318, subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Section 647 of the Penal Code, or any offenses involving prostitution, lewd conduct or any offense resulting from a reduction of the aforementioned offenses shall be deemed not to be of good moral character for the purposes of this section. The city manager may suspend or revoke any permit upon a finding that the permittee has violated any of the general regulations for the conduct of massage establishments as set forth herein.

(Ord. 4953 § 7.02, 1969)