§ 4.56.218. Certified exemption—Disqualification disclosure required—Investigation of noncompliance.  

Latest version.
  • Any service user who has been exempted under Sections 4.56.211 through 4.56.219 shall notify the tax administrator within 10 days of any change of fact or circumstance which might disqualify said individual from receiving such exemption.

    Any service supplier who determines by any means that a new or nonexempt service user is receiving service through a meter or connection, exempt by virtue of an exemption issued to a previous user or exempt user of the same meter or connection shall immediately notify the tax administrator of such fact and the tax administrator shall conduct an investigation to ascertain whether or not the provisions of Sections 4.56.211 through 4.56.219 have been complied with, and where appropriate, order the service supplier to commence collecting the tax from the nonexempt service user.

(Ord. 6857 § 2 (part), 2001)