§ 4.56.040. Electricity tax.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There is imposed a tax upon every person using electricity in the city. The tax imposed by this section shall be at the rate established under Section 4.56.180(A). The tax shall apply to all charges made for such electricity, and for any supplemental services or other associated activities directly related to and/or necessary for the provision of electricity to the service user, which are provided by a service supplier or nonutility service supplier to a service user. The tax shall be collected from the service user by the service supplier or nonutility service supplier, or its billing agent.


    As used in this section, the term "charges" shall apply to all services, components and items that are: (1) necessary or common to the receipt, use and enjoyment of electric service; or, (2) currently, or historically have been, included in a single or bundled rate for electric service by a local distribution company to a class of retail customers. The term "charges" shall include, but is not limited to, the following charges:


    Energy charges;


    Distribution or transmission charges;


    Metering charges;


    Standby, reserves, firming, ramping, voltage support, regulation, emergency, or other similar minimum charges for services;


    Customer charges, late charges, service establishment or reestablishment charges, demand charges, fuel or other cost adjustments, power exchange charges, independent system operator (ISO) charges, stranded investment or competitive transition charges (CTC), public purpose program charges, nuclear decommissioning charges, trust transfer amounts (bond financing charges), franchise fees, franchise surcharges, annual and monthly charges, and other charges, fees and surcharges which are necessary to or common for the receipt, use and enjoyment of electric service; and,


    Charges, fees, or surcharges for electricity services or programs, which are mandated by the California Public Utilities Commission or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, whether or not such charges, fees, or surcharges appear on a bundled or line item basis on the customer billing.


    As used in this section, the term "charges" shall include the value of any other services, credits, property of every kind or nature, or other consideration provided by the service user in exchange for the electricity or services related to the provision of such electricity.


    The tax administrator, from time to time, may survey the electric service suppliers to identify the various unbundled billing components of electric retail service that they commonly provide to residential and commercial/industrial customers in the city, and the charges therefor, including those items that are mandated by state or federal regulatory agencies as a condition of providing such electric service. The tax administrator, thereafter, may issue and disseminate to such electric service suppliers an administrative ruling identifying those components and items which are:


    Necessary or common to the receipt, use or enjoyment of electric service; or,


    Currently, or historically have been, included in a single or bundled rate for electric service by a local distribution company to a class of retail customers. Charges for such components and items shall be subject to the tax of subsection A of this section.


    As used in this section, the term "using electricity" shall not be construed to include electricity used in water pumping by water corporations; nor shall the term include the mere receiving of such electricity by an electrical corporation at a point within the city for resale. There shall be excluded from the base on which the tax imposed in this section is computed, charges made by a municipal light or power department, or electric public utility for electricity used and consumed by such department or utility in the conduct of the business of such department or utility.


    The tax on electricity provided by a nonutility service supplier not under the jurisdiction of this chapter shall be collected and remitted in the manner set forth in Section 4.56.055 of this chapter. All other taxes on charges for electricity imposed by this section shall be collected from the service user by the electric service supplier or its billing agent. The amount of tax collected in one (1) month shall be remitted to the tax administrator, and must be received by the tax administrator on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month; or, at the option of the person required to collect and/or remit the tax, such person shall remit an estimated amount of tax measured by the tax billed in the previous month or upon the payment pattern of the service user, which must be received by the tax administrator on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month, provided that the service user shall submit an adjusted payment or request for credit, as appropriate, within sixty (60) days following each calendar quarter. The credit, if approved by the tax administrator, may be applied against any subsequent tax bill that becomes due.

(Ord. 6857 § 2 (part), 2001)