§ 4.08.155. Emergency purchases by Rose Bowl Operating Company and the Pasadena Center Operating Company.  

Latest version.
  • Center Operating Company.

    In case of actual emergency which requires immediate purchase of materials or services, the Rose Bowl general manager, or his representative authorized by resolution of the Rose Bowl Operating Company, with the approval of the President of the Rose Bowl Operating Company and the chief executive officer of the Pasadena Center, or his representative authorized by resolution of the Pasadena Center Operating Company and with approval of the President of the Pasadena Center Operating Company, may secure, without competitive bidding, at the lowest obtainable price, any material or service regardless of the amount of the expenditure. A full report of the circumstances of any such emergency purchase shall be filed with the Rose Bowl Operating Company board of directors and the Pasadena Center Operating Company board of directors, and, where the expenditure exceeds $5,000, with the city council and the Rose Bowl Operating Company board of directors and the Pasadena Center Operating Company board of directors.

(Ord. 6899 § 2 (part), 2002: Ord. 6709 § 3, 1997)