§ 4.08.135. Request for qualifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Competitive bidding for a project may be completed in a two-part bidding process, including a request for qualifications element, when approved by the city manager and the city attorney prior to publication.


    The first part of the two-part bidding process shall include a notice of a request for qualifications for a specific project which shall meet the publication requirements of Section 4.08.060, which shall include a general description of the material, services or public works to be purchased or contracted for, which shall state where request for qualifications forms may be obtained and which shall specify the time and place for receiving responses. The request for qualifications shall include criteria for determining responsive and responsible bidders under those factors specified in subsections A through I of Section 4.08.130 and under any other requirements for the project. A list of responsive and responsible bidders will be mailed to all bidders responding to the request for qualifications within 5 calendar days of determination of the full list.


    The second part of the two-part bidding process shall consist of a sealed price bid on the detailed specifications for the project by all responsive and responsible bidders as determined in the first part of the bidding process. The price bid opening shall conform with all the requirements of Section 4.08.090, except that bids shall be opened at the time stated in the detailed specifications which may be no sooner than the tenth calendar day after transmittal of the detailed specifications; contract award shall conform with Section 4.08.100, and rejection of price bids shall conform with Section 4.08.120.

(Ord. 6899 § 2 (part), 2002: Ord. 6430 § 1, 1991)