§ 4.08.131. Bidder responsibility and debarment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For the purposes of this section, bidder responsibility includes those factors listed in subsections B, D, E, F, G, I and J of Section 4.08.130.


    Prior to any contract award, the city council may find any bidder to be nonresponsible to perform the specific contract to be awarded. The city council may do so on its own motion or on recommendation of the city manager.


    In conjunction with any contract award or with any action on a contract, the city council may debar a contractor from bidding on future contracts by finding, upon substantial evidence, nonresponsibility which arises from any one of the following: (1) commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with soliciting, obtaining or preparing a public contract; (2) violation of federal or state antitrust statutes in relation to a bid on a public contract; (3) commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; (4) commission of any other offense that indicates a lack of business integrity or business honesty; (5) present debarment by another public entity; (6) breach of a statutory or contract provision which specifies or requires debarment as a remedy; or (7) any other cause so serious it substantially affects the contractor's present responsibility.


    Before a finding of nonresponsibility is made, and before a contract requiring competitive bidding is awarded to other than the lowest bidder, a bidder must have been notified of any evidence of its nonresponsibility, must have been afforded an opportunity to rebut such evidence and must have been permitted the opportunity to present evidence of responsibility to perform the contract. Any finding of nonresponsibility shall focus on present non-responsibility, shall be for the purpose of protecting the interests of the public and is not intended to punish a bidder.


    A quasi judicial proceeding shall not be required for the council to take action under this section.


    The duration of any debarment shall be the period of time the city council finds shall best protect the interests of the public but shall not exceed two years. However, in the event of a debarment for breach of a statutory or contract provision which specifies or requires debarment as a remedy, the duration shall be the period specified in said statutory or contract provision, and, if none, then as the city council finds in accord with this subsection.


    The provisions of this section are in addition to and not in place of measures set forth as sanctions in the Pasadena living wage ordinance.

(Ord. 6899 § 2 (part), 2002: Ord. 6763 § 3, 1998; Ord. 6613 § 1, 1994)