§ 4.08.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "City Council" means city council the city of Pasadena.


    "City" means city of Pasadena.


    "Contract" means a written order for labor, material, supplies or services entered into by the city; any concession granted by the city; any license granted by the city which results in the production of income by the licensee; and any franchise granted by the city except for franchises of gas, electric, water or telephone utilities.


    "Employer" means a contractor or subcontractor as the context requires.


    "Good Faith Efforts" include but are not limited to the following factors:


    Attendance at presolicitation or pre-bid meetings that were scheduled by the city to inform contractors or subcontractors of contracting and subcontracting opportunities for minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises, and other business enterprises.


    Advertisement in minority, women, and other media concerning contracting and subcontracting opportunities.


    Providing written notice to a reasonable number of minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other business enterprises soliciting their interest in contracting or subcontracting in sufficient time to allow them to participate effectively.


    Following up initial solicitation of interest by contacting minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other business enterprises by telephone to determine with certainty whether they are interested in participating.


    Selecting portions of the work to be performed by minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other business enterprises.


    Providing interested minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other enterprises with adequate information about the plans, specifications and requirements of contracts and subcontracts.


    Negotiating in good faith with interested minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other business enterprises. Not rejecting as unqualified without documented reasons based on a thorough investigation of the business enterprises' capabilities.


    Making efforts to assist interested minority business enterprises, women business enterprises, disadvantaged business enterprises, local business enterprises and other business enterprises in obtaining necessary sources of supply, lines of credit or insurance.


    "Local business" means a business with a fixed place of business located in the city.


    "Material" means supplies, equipment, stores, provisions and other personal property.


    "Minority" means African Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (including American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians; Asian Pacific (including persons whose origins are from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, and the Northern Marianas); Asian Indians (including persons whose origins are from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh); and Armenian (including persons whose origins are from the territory east of Asia Minor, known as Armenia and people of the Aryan race that migrated from Europe into that area).


    "MWOBE" means a business owned and controlled by a woman, minority or a group of women or minorities or other individual or group.


    "Owned or Controlled" means owning at least 51 percent of the business and having management control of the business.


    "Public works" means all fixed works constructed for public use or protection, including but not limited to, bridges, waterworks, sewers, electric works, public buildings and street improvements.


    "Purchase order" means a written authorization by the issuing party for the recipient to provide labor, materials or services, for which the issuing pad agrees to pay.


    "Services" means, but is not limited to, rental, repair and maintenance of equipment, machinery and other personal property, and professional services, but does not include public works.


    For the purposes of this chapter, "small business" and "microbusiness" shall be any business which has been certified by the state of California or by the city, under purchasing procedures adopted by the city manager, as meeting the definitions set forth in California Government Code Section 14837, or any successor provision.

(Ord. 6984 § 1, 2004; Ord. 6899 § 2 (part), 2002: Ord. 5068 § 1.00, 1972)