§ 4.04.040. Disposition procedures—Salvage property and scrap.  

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  • A.

    The applicable department head will notify the purchasing division in writing of the existence of salvage property and request disposition instructions. This notification shall list each item, acquisition date or estimated age, acquisition price (if known), condition, and any known defect not readily apparent through visual inspection.


    The purchasing division shall review the request and determine if any other city department has a use for the salvage property. If so, the purchasing division shall transfer the salvage property to the department they believe can best use it.


    If the purchasing division determines that the salvage property is not functionally or economically suitable for further city use, it shall dispose of it by using a public auction, sealed bids or through negotiated sale for items valued at less than $10,000.


    The purchasing division shall actively publicize auctions in a newspaper of general circulation at least 5 days prior to the day of the auction. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the auction as well as a general description of the items to be sold.


    Salvage property to be sold through sealed bids shall be advertised through appropriate means consistent with its value.


    Scrap shall be sold through sealed bids and such sale shall be advertised through appropriate means consistent with its value.


    Should the purchasing division be unable to obtain any offer after solicitation of bids, the salvage property or scrap shall be disposed of by negotiated sale or whatever means is in the best interest of the city, consistent with the regulations in this chapter.


    All proceeds of sale shall be credited to general fund except for items originally purchased with enterprise funds. Such items shall be credited to the applicable enterprise fund.


    The purchasing division shall maintain documentation of the disposal of all salvage property and scrap. Documentation shall include date and method of disposition, sale price, and name and address of buyer. It shall also account for all expenses related to the disposition of all salvage property.


    Salvage property valued at greater than $3,000.00 shall be sold or disposed of only on written authorization of the officer or officers of the city herein authorized to sell or dispose of same on a form prepared by the city controller and approved by the city attorney and city manager.


    The head of the purchasing division, upon the written consent of the director of finance, is authorized to negotiate the sale of salvage property valued at less than $10,000. Under such circumstances, the head of the purchasing division shall seek informal bids wherever practical. The head of the purchasing division shall maintain records of all such sales, including items sold, date sold, price and name and address of purchaser and report same to city council for the prior fiscal year within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year.


    The city manager may approve, in writing, the sale or transfer of a public safety service animal to the animal's handler after recommendation and finding by the chief of police that: (1) the animal was acquired by the city for a bona fide public safety purpose; (2) the animal either is no longer needed for that purpose or can no longer be used for that purpose, and (3) the public interest is served by the sale or transfer.

(Ord. 7004 § 1, 2005; Ord. 6686 § 2, 1996; Ord. 6477 § 2 (part), 1992)