§ 3.32.030. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Native plants" means those plants historically known to be indigenous to the Arroyo Seco of Pasadena and nearby arroyos of similar ecology and also those indigenous plants of Southern California or countries of similar climates that could naturally exist and flourish in the Arroyo Seco in its present ecology.


    "Existing" means in place or in use on the date the ordinance codified in this chapter becomes effective.


    "Commercial" means any use or activity related to the sale or barter of merchandise or service or the fabrication of structures.


    "Facilities" include structures, grounds, play equipment, trails, walls and other improvements located on public property.


    "Park" or "parklands" means those areas of the Arroyo Seco which have been formally dedicated as parks.


    "Structure" means any manmade improvement.


    "Natural features" include trees, rock out-croppings, riparian habitat, streams, springs, undisturbed slope banks.


    "Motor vehicles" include cars, trucks, motorcycles, motorbikes.

(Ord. 6403 § 2 (part), 1990)