§ 2.30.020. City attorney—Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    As the city's civil legal advisor, the city attorney shall:


    Attend all meetings of the city council;


    Advise the city council and all city officers and employees in all matters of law pertaining to their offices or duties or shall select outside counsel to so advise such persons unless a different selection procedure has been adopted by the city council;


    Have charge and control of all outside counsel engaged to advise the city council and any officer or employee in all matters pertaining to their offices or duties, except as otherwise provided by law;


    Represent and appear for the city and all city officers and employees and all former city officers or employees in any or all civil actions or proceedings in which the city, or any officer or employee or former officer or employee thereof by reason of an act or omission in the scope of his/her employment is concerned or is a party, or shall select outside counsel to so represent and appear for such persons;


    Have charge and control of all civil actions and proceedings in which the city or any officer or employee, or former officer or employee, is concerned or is a party by reason of an act or omission in the scope of his/her employment. The city attorney may commence any action or settle any claim or action of a gross amount of $50,000 or less, exclusive of court costs; provided, however, that any such commencement of action or settlement in excess of $25,000 exclusive of court costs, shall be with the approval of the city manager. No action or claim of more than a gross amount of $50,000, exclusive of court costs, shall be commenced or settled without the prior approval of the city council;


    Approve the form of all bonds given to the city and all specifications, requests for proposals and contracts made by the city;


    Draft any and all proposed ordinances and resolutions for the city when required by the city council or at the request of the city manager; and


    Perform such other duties relating to the office as shall be required of him/her by law, ordinance, or the city council.


    As the city prosecutor, the city attorney shall:


    Prosecute all misdemeanor and infraction offenses committed within the city arising out of violations of the laws of the state, ordinances of the city and provisions of the Charter of the city which are within the jurisdiction of the municipal court;


    Handle all appeals arising as a consequence;


    Draw complaints for such misdemeanors and prosecute all recognizances of bail bond forfeitures arising from or resulting from the commission of such offenses;


    Perform such other duties relating to such office as shall be required by law, ordinance, or the city council.


    If there is no qualified or acting city prosecutor or assistant or deputy city prosecutor, an assistant or deputy city attorney shall perform the duties of city prosecutor.

(Ord. 6841 § 2, 2000: Ord. 6637 § 1, 1995; Ord. 6608 § 1 (part), 1994)