§ 1.26.090. Advance hardship waiver deposit.  

Latest version.
  • Any responsible person who requests a hearing to contest an administrative citation and who is financially unable to deposit the administrative fine as required in Section 1.26.080 may file a request for an advance deposit hardship waiver. The request shall be filed with the department of finance on an advance deposit hardship waiver application form, available from the department, no later than thirty (30) days after service of the administrative citation. The director of finance may issue an advance deposit hardship waiver only if the person requesting the waiver submits to the director a sworn affidavit, together with any supporting documents, demonstrating to the satisfaction of the director the person's financial inability to deposit with the city the full amount of the fine in advance of the hearing. The director of finance shall issue a written decision specifying the reasons for issuing or not issuing the waiver. The decision shall be served upon the person requesting the waiver by certified mail return receipt. If the director of finance determines that the waiver is not warranted, the person shall remit the full amount of the fine to the city within ten (10) days of receipt of the written decision of the director of finance.

(Ord. 6761 § 2 (part), 1998)