§ 1.25.150. Decision of administrative hearing officer/administrative hearing board.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The administrative hearing officer or board, whichever the case may be, shall issue a written decision entitled "administrative order" no later than thirty (30) days after the date on which the administrative hearing concludes. The administrative order shall be served upon the responsible person by the applicable method set forth in Section 1.25.050. The administrative hearing officer or board shall make findings within the administrative order regarding the existence of the violation(s) specified in the compliance order, and regarding whether the responsible person took the required corrective action within the time period set forth in the compliance order. If the administrative hearing officer or board concludes that the violation continues to exist, the administrative order shall set forth a schedule for correction. If the administrative hearing officer or board determines that the violation(s) set forth in the compliance order did not exist, or that the violation(s) was timely corrected, all proceedings regarding the violation(s) shall immediately cease.


    The administrative order shall impose administrative penalties as provided in Section 1.25.160, and administrative costs as provided in Section 1.25.170.


    The administrative order shall become final on the date of service, and shall notify the responsible person of his right to appeal as provided in Section 1.25.180. The administrative order shall set a deadline for compliance with its terms in the event that the responsible person fails to file an appeal.

(Ord. 6761 § 1 (part), 1998)