§ 1.25.100. Administrative hearing officer/administrative hearing board.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    If the responsible person receiving the notice of hearing is a first-time violator (has not received a previous compliance order for the same violation within the last year, which compliance order proceeded to administrative hearing and was determined at the hearing, or on appeal, to have been violated), the administrator or his or her designee shall select an administrative hearing officer pursuant to Section 1.25.110, and the matter shall proceed pursuant to Sections 1.25.130 through 1.25.170.


    If the responsible person receiving the notice of hearing has received a previous compliance order for the same violation within the last year, and the previous order was found by an administrative hearing officer, or on appeal, to have been violated, the administrator or his or her designee shall refer the violation to the administrative hearing board, as that board is constituted pursuant to Section 1.25.120, to conduct a hearing and the matter shall proceed pursuant to Sections 1.25.130 through 1.25.170.

(Ord. 6761 § 1 (part), 1998)