§ 1.20.030. District No. 2.  

Latest version.
  • District No. 2 shall be as follows:

    All that portion of the city lying within the boundaries of the following described line: Beginning at the point of intersection of city boundary and N. Lake Ave., and proceeding easterly along city boundary to N. Martelo Ave., and proceeding southerly along N. Martelo Ave. to Casa Grande St., and proceeding westerly along Casa Grande St. to N. Craig Ave., and proceeding southerly along N. Craig Ave. to Nelson Alley, and proceeding westerly along Nelson Alley to Palo Verde Ave., and proceeding southerly along Palo Verde Ave. to E. Villa St., and proceeding easterly along E. Villa St. to Vista Ave., and proceeding southerly along Vista Ave. and in a direct line across 1-210 freeway to Vista Ave., and proceeding southerly along Vista Ave. to N. Sierra Madre Blvd., and proceeding southerly along N. Sierra Madre Blvd. to E. Colorado Blvd., and proceeding westerly along E. Colorado Blvd. to N. Chester Ave., and proceeding northerly along N. Chester Ave. and in a direct line across 1-210 freeway to N Chester Ave., and proceeding northerly along N. Chester Ave. to E. Orange Grove Blvd., and proceeding westerly along E. Orange Grove Blvd. to N. Michigan Ave., and proceeding northerly along N. Michigan Ave. to E. Mountain St., and proceeding westerly along E. Mountain St. to N. Mentor Ave., and proceeding northerly along N. Mentor Ave. to E. Bell St., and proceeding westerly along E. Bell St. to N. Lake Ave., and proceeding northerly along N. Lake Ave. to the point of beginning.

    (Ord. No. 7219, § 2, 5-7-2012)

    Note— See Editor's Note, § 1.20.020.