§ 17.60.060. Initial Application Review  

Latest version.
  • All applications filed with the Department in compliance with this Zoning Code shall be initially processed as follows.


    Completeness review. The Director shall review all applications for completeness and accuracy before they are accepted as being complete in compliance with Section 17.60.040.B (Application contents and fees) above.


    Notification of applicant. The applicant shall be informed in writing within 30 days of submittal either that the application is complete and has been accepted for processing, or that the application is incomplete and that additional information, specified in the letter, shall be provided. All additional information needed shall be identified in the letter providing notice of an incomplete application.


    Appeal of determination. Where the Director has determined that an application is incomplete, and the applicant believes that the application is complete or that the information requested by the Director is not required, the applicant may appeal the determination in compliance with Chapter 17.72 (Appeals).


    Environmental information. The Director may require the applicant to submit additional information needed for the environmental review of the project in compliance with Section 17.60.070 (Environmental Assessment), below.


    Expiration of application. If the applicant does not provide the additional information required in compliance with Subsection A.1, above, within 120 days after the date of the letter requesting the additional information, the Director may consider the application withdrawn if the Director determines that reasonable progress toward completion of the application has not occurred. Application processing shall not resume thereafter until a new application is filed, including fees, plans, exhibits, and other materials that are required for any project on the same site.


    Criteria for acceptance. An application shall not be accepted as complete unless or until the Director determines that it is:


    In compliance with zoning district requirements applicable to the site, except for a Zoning Map Amendment, Variance, or prezoning filed in compliance with Chapter 17.74 (Amendments); and


    Includes all information and materials required by Section 17.60.040.B (Application contents and fees).


    Violations on the site.


    The Director shall not find the application complete, and shall not process or approve the application, if conditions exist on the site in violation of this Zoning Code or any permit or other approval granted in compliance with this Zoning Code, except for an application for a permit or entitlement, if any, needed to correct the violation.


    The Director's authority under this Subsection shall apply whether:


    The current applicant was the owner of the subject property at the time the violation occurred; or


    The applicant is the current owner of the subject property with or without actual or constructive knowledge of the violation at the time of acquisition of the subject property.


    The Director's decision may be appealed in compliance with Chapter 17.72 (Appeals).


    Referral of application. At the discretion of the Director, or where otherwise required by this Zoning Code, State, or Federal law, any application filed in compliance with this Zoning Code may be referred to any public agency that may be affected by or have an interest in the proposed land use activity.