§ 17.50.040. Alcohol Sales  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Standards for all sales operations. Proposed on- and off-site alcoholic beverage sales operations shall be designed, constructed, and operated to:


    Avoid contributing to an undue proliferation of alcoholic beverage sales businesses in an area where additional ones would be undesirable, with enhanced consideration given to the area's function and character, problems of crime and loitering, and traffic problems and capacity;


    Avoid any adverse impact on adjacent or nearby parks (e.g., public parks or recreation centers), playgrounds (e.g., public or parochial), religious facilities, or schools (e.g., public, parochial, or private elementary, junior high, or high schools); and


    Additional standards for off-site sales. Off-site alcoholic beverage sales businesses shall comply with the following requirements in addition to those in Subsection A. above. Locations with off-site alcoholic beverage sales shall be designed, constructed, and operated to:


    Not interfere with the movement of people along any street; and


    Supply adequate, appropriately located litter and recycling receptacles as determined by the Director.