§ 17.48.110. Standards for Specific Types of Permanent Signs  

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  • A.

    Awning signs.


    Lettering shall be allowed on awning valances only and shall not exceed eight inches in height. Logos, symbols, and graphics that do not include text may be allowed on the shed (slope) portion of an awning and shall not exceed four square feet in area for each awning.


    Lettering shall be located within the middle 70 percent of the valance area.


    Only permanent signs that are an integral part of the awning or architectural projection shall be allowed. Temporary signs shall not be placed on awnings.


    Awning signs shall only be allowed for first and second story occupancies.


    Awnings shall not be lighted from under the awning (back-lit) so that the awning appears internally illuminated. Lighting directed downwards that does not illuminate the awning is allowed.


    Awnings shall be regularly cleaned and kept free of dust and visible defects.


    Changeable copy signs.


    Changeable copy signs may be allowed in conjunction with facilities used exclusively for the presentation of cultural, religious, and theatrical activities, and similar group assembly uses including schools.


    Changeable copy signs shall be included in the allowed maximum sign area for a use.


    Freestanding signs.


    Freestanding signs include monument and pylon signs and shall be allowed only for frontages adjoining a public street. See figures 4-17 and 4-18.

    Figure 4-17 - Pylon sign
    17-4-17.png 17-4-18.png


    Freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of five feet from a street property line, a minimum of five feet from an interior property line, and a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of a driveway. This requirement shall not apply within the Central District.


    There shall be a minimum of 250 feet between freestanding signs on the same site or 30 feet between signs on adjoining sites to ensure adequate visibility for all signs.


    For corner lots, freestanding signs shall not be located in the required 25-foot vision triangle. On a case-by-case basis, this requirement may be waived by the Director of Transportation. See Figure 4-19.


    Figure 4-19 - Location of freestanding signs


    Freestanding signs shall be a minimum of 50 feet from a lot line of any residentially zoned property.


    Freestanding signs shall not project over any building, or over any on-site driveway or vehicle circulation area in a parking facility.


    No more than six tenants are allowed for each freestanding sign.


    The supporting structure of a freestanding sign shall not include exposed metal pole(s), but should be surrounded by a decorative pole cover architecturally compatible with the sign cabinet.


    Landscaping with automatic irrigation shall be provided at the base of the supporting structure equal to twice the area of one face of the sign or 75 square feet, whichever is greater. For example, 40 sq. ft. of sign area = 80 sq. ft. of landscaped area. Landscaping is not required in the CD zoning district.


    Freestanding signs shall contain an address plate identifying the subject property. Numbers shall be a minimum of six inches in height and shall be clearly visible from the public right-of-way. Address plates shall not be calculated against the allowed sign area.


    Neon signs and architectural lighting. The use of neon tubes for signs or architectural elements shall be allowed in commercial zoning districts only subject to the following requirements.


    Neon signs and linear tubing shall be UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed with a maximum 30 milliamps per circuit and be designed to accommodate a dimmer in order to reduce the brightness of the neon.


    The neon manufacturer shall be registered with Underwriters Laboratories.


    Neon tubing shall not exceed one half inch in diameter.


    Neon lighting adjacent to residential uses shall not exceed one half footcandle measured at the property line.


    Neon tubing shall not be combined with any reflective materials (e.g., highly glazed tiles, mirrors, polished metal, or other similar materials.


    When used as an architectural element, neon tubing shall be used only to reinforce specific architectural elements of the structure and shall be concealed from view whenever possible through the use of cornices, ledges, or parapets.


    Neon signs placed within five feet of a storefront window shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the window area.


    Neon lighting that completely surrounds a door, window, or similar element is not allowed.


    Projecting signs.


    Projecting signs shall not be less than eight feet above the surface over which they project in pedestrian areas. Signs shall not project more than five feet into a public right-of-way and shall not project closer than two feet to a curb.


    Projecting signs shall not project into an alley more than three feet and shall not be less than 14 feet above the alley surface where vehicles are allowed.


    Projecting signs may have a maximum thickness of 18 inches.


    Internally illuminated projecting signs shall have opaque face panels so that only the letters, logos, numbers, or symbols appear illuminated.


    Projecting signs shall not be closer than 15 feet to another projecting sign or to a freestanding sign or five feet from an interior property line or line dividing two separate business frontages. The Zoning Administrator may waive this requirement in the CD zoning district where it can be clearly demonstrated that it severely limits proper sign placement.


    Projecting signs shall not project above an apparent eave or parapet, including the eave of a simulated hipped or mansard roof.


    Projecting signs shall not be attached to the sloping face of mansard overhangs or other architectural devices intended to resemble or imitate roof structures.


    Projecting signs may be mounted flush to a building wall if they do not damage or obscure architectural details or historic materials. In cases where a projecting sign may impact architectural details, historic materials, or similar elements, the sign shall be set away from the building wall so as not to affect the features.


    A two-dimensional fabric banner suspended perpendicular to a wall may be displayed in lieu of a projecting sign, provided the banner shall meet all of the height, size, and projection requirements for a projecting sign.


    Figure 4-20 - Sign on projection


    Signs on architectural projections at street level. The following regulations apply to signs that are located on, attached to, or are an integral part of a projecting architectural feature located not more than 15 feet above street level. See Figure 4-20.


    Signs may be erected on top of an architectural projection, provided the sign is comprised of dimensional letters only that do not exceed 24 inches in height. Such signs may be illuminated.


    Signs may be attached to the face of an architectural projection, provided the sign does not exceed a maximum thickness of 10 inches as measured from the face of the sign to the outer face of the architectural projection and that the letters do not exceed a height of 24 inches. No internal illumination is allowed.


    The maximum sign area for signs mounted or architectural projections shall be the same for other business identification signs identified in Tables 4-18 through 4-21 (Sign Standards by Zoning District), above.


    Signs may be placed below and may be supported by an architectural projection, provided the sign shall not exceed six feet in length and 16 inches in height. Internally illuminated signs shall be allowed. No exposed tubing or incandescent lamps are allowed. Signs shall not be less than eight feet above the sidewalk and shall be placed perpendicular to the face of the building.


    Signs on multi-frontage lots or buildings. Signs on buildings with more than one street frontage, or that face onto a driveway alley, parking area, or internal pedestrian arcade/courtyard/plaza shall be subject to the following requirements.


    Signs shall not be placed on a building facade that does not have frontage on a public street or alley; or on a driveway, parking area, or internal pedestrian arcade/courtyard/ plaza that is directly associated with and under the control of the subject property.


    The allowable number and area of signs shall be computed for each separate primary or secondary building frontage. Allowances are not transferable from one street frontage to another.


    When a sign is erected on the lot at the intersection of two streets or at the intersection of a primary and secondary building frontages, and the sign is situated at an angle so as to be visible from both streets, the sign shall not exceed the maximum area allowed for the longest of the primary or secondary building frontage. The area of the sign shall be deducted from the total area allowed on the property and the number of signs allowed shall be reduced accordingly.


    Wall signs.


    Signs shall be located only on a primary or secondary building frontage and shall not extend above an eave or parapet, or above or below a fascia on which they are located.


    Signs shall consist of individual letters only and may be either internally or externally illuminated. Cabinet signs are prohibited for use as wall signs.


    Electrical raceways shall be kept as small as possible, shall not extend beyond the outside edges of the sign copy, and shall be painted to match the color of the background on which they are placed.


    Signs shall be placed flat against the wall and shall not project from the wall more than required for normal construction purposes and in no case more than 12 inches. The Zoning Administrator may modify this requirement in special circumstances where a projection greater than 12 inches may be desirable to allow the creation of an especially creative and unique sign design.


    Signs shall be located within the middle 70 percent of the building or occupancy's frontage measured from lease line to lease line. The Zoning Administrator may modify this requirement where it can be clearly demonstrated that it severely limits proper sign placement. See Figure 4.21.


    Figure 4-21 Sign location on facade


    Signs shall not be placed to obstruct any portion of a window or cover architectural elements (e.g., cornices, transom windows, vertical piers, and similar elements). Exceptions to this requirement may be allowed in the CD zoning district if approved though the Design Review process, in compliance with Section 17.61.030.


    Signs attached to the sloping face of hipped/sloped roofs, mansard overhangs, or similar architectural features intended to resemble or imitate roof structures, shall require approval of a Sign Exception.


    Window signs, permanent and temporary.


    Signs shall be allowed only on windows located on the ground floor and second story of a building frontage.


    Signs shall be permanently painted or mounted on the inside of doors and windows except for allowed temporary signs.


    Signs within three feet of a storefront window shall be counted as a window sign.


    Window signs shall be allowed in addition to the aggregate sign area allowed for wall and projecting signs.


    Miscellaneous signs.


    Vehicle dealer, banners, flags, pennants, etc. Banners, flags, pennants, etc., for new or used vehicle dealers may be allowed if approved through a Master Sign Plan. Banners, etc., may be applied for by an association of dealerships or by individual dealers. The banners' locations shall be limited to light poles or other similar devices as specified on a site plan. An inspection schedule of the site shall be required as a condition of approval based upon the longevity of the materials used. The inspection shall be made jointly by the Zoning Enforcement staff and the applicant.


    Basement occupancy. A business that occupies a basement space with a direct exterior entrance from a sidewalk or alley shall be allowed one sign. The sign shall be placed near the main entrance. The maximum sign area shall be six square feet. Only external illumination is allowed.


    Business directory signs. Businesses that occupy spaces accessed only from an alley, arcade, courtyard, or mall or have similar limited visibility may be allowed up to two directory signs with a maximum area of six square feet each. Only external illumination is allowed. See Figures 4-22 and 4-23.

    Figure 4-22 - Freestanding directory sign
    17-4-22.png 17-4-23.png


    Flags and flagpoles (nonresidential districts). The pole height shall not exceed the allowed height of the subject zoning district. A maximum of three flags shall be allowed per development site.


    Theater signs. An Expressive Use Permit for a cinema or theater may authorize signs deviating from the standards of this Chapter, subject to review by the Hearing Officer. The Expressive Use Permit may allow brighter lights, marquee signs, and other features not otherwise authorized by this Chapter if the modifications are consistent with the adopted Design Review guidelines.


    Service station signs. In addition to all other provisions of this Chapter, the following regulations shall be applicable to service stations.


    A Master Sign Plan shall be approved in conjunction with the application for a Building Permit to alter, erect, move, or reconstruct any service station sign.


    One freestanding sign, not to exceed 150 square feet in area, and eight feet in height shall be allowed.


    The total area of all signs (including canopies) shall not exceed two square feet of sign area for each linear foot of street frontage. Corner lots shall use only one street frontage to determine maximum allowable sign area.


    Vending machine signs. Signs on vending machines that contain messages related to the contents or products provided by the machines shall be counted towards the total sign area allowed for a business if the signs are visible from a public right-of-way.


    Vehicle-oriented directional signs. Signs solely for the purpose of guiding vehicle traffic, and identifying hazards (e.g., clearance) on private property are covered by this Section. On-premises directional signs are limited to one double-faced sign per entrance. Each sign face shall not exceed three square feet in area and four feet in height. Letters or symbols shall not exceed five inches in height.

(Ord. 7160 § 41, 2009; Ord. 7099 § 30, 2007)