§ 17.48.090. Sign Standards by Zoning District  

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  • A.

    Signs allowed in the RS, RM, OS, and PS, zoning district.

    Sign Class Allowed Sign Types Maximum Number Maximum Sign Area Maximum Sign Height Location
    Lighting Allowed Additional Requirements
    1. RS, RM-16, RM-32, and RM-48 Districts Wall mounted or freestanding 25 sq. ft. per dwelling unit cumulative total for commercial, noncommercial and temporary signs
      Commercial Signs Wall mounted or monument Four signs per parcel One square foot per sign 10 ft. and below edge of roof See 17.48.100.D.8
      Noncommercial Signs Wall mounted or monument 16 sq. ft. per sign 10 ft. and below edge of roof See 17.48.100.D.8 See 17.48.115
    2. PS and OS Districts Wall mounted or monument One per property frontage 20 sq. ft. (1) Below edge of roof: 5 ft. monument Yes
    (1)   Larger signs may be allowed in the OS and PS zoning district with Conditional Use Permit Approval.



    Signs allowed in the CO zoning district.

    Sign Class Allowed Sign Types Maximum Number Maximum Sign Area Maximum Sign Height Location
    Lighting Allowed? Additional Requirements
    1. Business identification: Primary building frontage Wall or monument One per property frontage (1) 1 sq. ft. per foot of primary building frontage Below edge of roof: 5 ft. monument Yes
    2. Business identification: Secondary building frontage Wall or monument One per property frontage (1) 1 sq. ft. per foot of secondary building frontage Below edge of roof: 5 ft. monument Yes
    3. Building or project identification: multi-tenant sites Wall or monument One per property frontage (1) 1 sq. ft. per foot of primary or secondary building frontage 20 ft. or bottom of second story windows: 5 ft. for monument Yes
    4. Tenant directory: multi-tenant buildings Wall One per property frontage (1) 1 sq. ft. per foot of primary or secondary building frontage. 8 sq. ft. max per sign Yes
    5. Single-family and Multi-family uses shall use the sign standards for RS and RM Districts of Subsection A., above.
    (1)   A sign on an awning valance shall be exempt from the maximum number requirements if the sign meets the requirements of 17.48.110.A.



    Signs allowed in the CD zoning district.

    Sign Class Allowed Sign Types Maximum Number Maximum Sign Area Maximum Sign Height Location
    Lighting Allowed? Additional Requirements
    1. Business identification: Wall, projecting, window and awning Wall, projecting, and awning signs, in any combination of 2 signs max. per ground floor occupancy (1) (3) . One sign per basement occupancy. Second story, window, or awning signs only. (2) (3) 1.5 sq. ft. of sign per foot of primary building frontage total for any combination of wall and/or projecting signs. 20 sq. ft. max for projecting signs. Window signs, 25% max of each window area. 25 ft. or bottom of lowest second story window whichever is lower. 17.48.110.A, B E, F and G Yes See 17.48.110 for sign standards by sign type
    2. Business identification: (additional sign for multi-frontage occupancy) Wall, projecting, window and awning Wall, projecting, and awning sign, 1 additional sign for multi-frontage ground floor occupancy (3) . Limited to two signs per frontage. 1 sq. ft. of sign per foot of secondary building frontage. 20 sq. ft. max for projecting signs. 25 ft. or bottom of lowest second story window whichever is lower. 17.48.110.A, B, E, F and G Yes Limited to multi-frontage occupancy
    3. Business identification: (monument or freestanding) Monument One sign for each 200 feet of property frontage. 0.5 sq. ft. of sign area per foot property frontage, 40 sq. ft. max 8 ft. 17.48.110.C Yes See 17.48.110 for sign standards by sign type
    4. Building identification: (buildings greater than 75 feet in height) Wall One per wall plane. 4 signs max 1 sq. ft. of sign area per foot of primary or secondary building frontage at sign location. 100 sq. ft. max per sign Below edge of roof. Yes Limited to buildings greater than 75 feet in height. Not allowed in CD-1
    5. Business directory: multi-tenant buildings Wall One per frontage 8 sq. ft. Yes See 17.48.110.J
    6. Single-family and Multi-family uses shall use the sign standards for RS and RM Districts of Subsection A., above.
    (1)   The aggregate total of business identification signs is two. Business identification signs include wall, projecting, and awning signs. All other signs (i.e., building identification, window, directory, and temporary signs) are not included in this restriction.
    (2)   Wall signs shall be allowed for second-story occupancies with exterior entrances.
    (3)   A sign on an awning valance shall be exempt from the maximum number requirements if the sign meets the requirements of 17.48.110.A.



    Signs allowed in the CL, CG, IG zoning district.

    Sign Class Allowed Sign Types Maximum Number Maximum Sign Area Maximum Sign Height Location Requirements Lighting Allowed? Additional Requirements
    1. Business identification: Wall, projecting, window and awning Wall, projecting, and awning signs, in any combination of 2 signs max. per ground floor occupancy per frontage (1) . Second story window, or awning signs only. (2) (3) 1.5 sq. ft. of sign area per foot of primary or secondary building frontage total for any combination of wall and/or projecting signs. 20 sq. ft. max for projecting signs. Window signs, 25% max of each window area. 25 ft. or bottom of lowest second story window, whichever is lower. 17.48.110 Yes See 17.48.100 for sign standards by sign type
    2. Business identification: Freestanding (pylon and monument) One sign for each 250 feet of property frontage. 1.0 sq. ft. of sign area per linear foot of property frontage, 150 sq. ft. max per sign. If lot width is less than 100 ft. max sing height = 8 ft. 101 ft. to 200 ft. = 15 ft. max height Over 200 ft.=20 ft. max height. 17.48.110 Yes See 17.48.110 for sign standards by sign type
    3. Building identification: Wall One per wall plane 4 sings max. 1.5 sq. ft. of sign area per foot of primary or secondary building frontage at sign location. Below edge of roof. Yes Limited to buildings greater than 75 feet in height.
    4. Business directory: multi-tenant buildings Wall One per property frontage 8 sq. ft. 6 ft. Yes
    5. Single-family and Multi-family uses shall use the sign standards for RS and RM Districts of Subsection A, above.
    (1)   The aggregate total of business identification signs is two. Business identification signs include wall, projecting, and awning signs. All other signs (i.e., building identification, window, directory, and temporary signs) are not included in this restriction.
    (2)   Wall signs shall be allowed for second-story occupancies with exterior entrances.
    (3)   A sign on an awning valance shall be exempt from the maximum number requirements if the sign meets the requirements of 17.48.110.A.


(Ord. 7160 § 39 , 2009; Ord. 7099 § 29, (Exh. 22), 2007; Ord. 7074 § 3 (Att. 1), 2006; Ord. 7009 § 21, 2005)