§ 17.48.070. Creative Sign Permit  

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  • A.

    Purpose. This Section establishes standards and procedures for the review and approval of Creative Sign Permits. The purposes of the Creative Sign Permit are to:


    Encourage signs of unique design that exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, spirit, and thoughtfulness; and


    Provide a process for the application of sign regulations in ways that will allow creatively designed signs that make a positive visual contribution to the overall image of the City, while mitigating the impacts of large or unusually designed signs.


    Applicability. An applicant may request approval of a Creative Sign Permit in order to allow standards that differ from the provisions of this Chapter but comply with the purpose and findings of this Section.


    Application requirements. A Creative Sign Permit application shall include all information and materials required by the Department and the filing fee in compliance with the Council's Fee Resolution.


    Approval authority. An application for a Creative Sign Permit shall be subject to review and approval by the Director.


    Findings. In approving an application for a Creative Sign Permit, the Director shall ensure that the proposed sign meets the following design criteria.


    Design quality. The sign shall:


    Constitute a substantial aesthetic improvement to the site and shall have a positive visual impact on the surrounding area;


    Be of unique design, and exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, spirit, and thoughtfulness; and


    Provide strong graphic character through the imaginative use of color, graphics, proportion, quality materials, scale, and texture.


    Contextual criteria. The sign shall contain at least one of the following elements:


    Classic historic design style;


    Creative image reflecting current or historic character of the City; or


    Inventive representation of the logo, name, or use of the structure or business.


    Architectural criteria. The sign shall:


    Utilize or enhance the architectural elements of the building; and


    Be placed in a logical location in relation to the overall composition of the building's facade and not cover any key architectural features and details of the facade.


    Impacts on surrounding uses. The sign shall be located and designed not to cause light and glare impacts on surrounding uses, especially residential uses.