§ 17.48.060. Master Sign Plan  

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  • A.

    Purpose. A Master Sign Plan is intended to integrate project signs into the architectural design of the site, thereby creating an architectural statement of high quality. A Master Sign Plan provides a flexible means of applying and modifying the sign regulations in this Chapter to ensure high quality in the design and display of multiple permanent signs for a project or use and to encourage creativity and excellence in the design of signs. It is expected that the design quality of signs proposed under a Master Sign Plan will be of a superior quality and creativity to those that might result through the normal sign permit process. The provisions of a Master Sign Plan shall not include temporary banners.


    Applicability. The approval of a Master Sign Plan shall be required whenever any of the following circumstances exist:


    Whenever six or more separate nonresidential tenant spaces are created on the same parcel;


    Whenever six or more permanent non-exempt signs are proposed for a single use; and


    Whenever the Director determines that a Master Sign Plan is needed because of special project characteristics (e.g., the size of proposed signs, limited site visibility, a business within a business, the location of the site relative to major transportation routes, etc.) or when unique, creatively designed signs are being proposed and certain aspects of the sign's design (e.g., animation) might not otherwise be allowed.


    Approval authority. A Master Sign Plan shall be approved by the Director before the issuance of a Building Permit. In approving a Master Sign Plan, the Director shall find that the plan's contribution to the design quality of the site and the surrounding area will be superior to the quality that would result under the regulations of this Chapter.


    Modification of regulations. A Master Sign Plan may include sign regulations that are, at the same time, both more restrictive in some respects and less restrictive in other respects than the regulations established in this Chapter. Allowed modifications may relate to sign area, number of signs, height, and location. Less restrictive provisions in a Master Sign Plan shall not include signs that are otherwise prohibited by this Chapter. The applicant may appeal a decision of the Director to the Design Commission.


    Application requirements. A Master Sign Plan shall include all information and materials required by the Department, and the filing fee in compliance with the Council's Fee Resolution.


    Findings. In order to approve a Master Sign Plan, the following findings shall first be made:


    The Master Sign Plan complies with the purpose of this Chapter, including the Sign Design Guidelines;


    Proposed signs enhance the overall development and are in harmony with other signs included in the plan with the structures they identify and with surrounding development;


    The Master Sign Plan contains provisions to accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants; and


    The Master Sign Plan complies with the standards of this Chapter, except that flexibility is allowed with regard to sign area, number, location, and/or height to the extent that the Master Sign Plan will enhance the overall development, achieve superior quality design, and will more fully accomplish the purposes of this Chapter.


    Revisions to Master Sign Plans.


    Revisions to Master Sign Plans may be approved by the Director if the intent of the original approval is not affected.


    Revisions that would substantially deviate from the original approval shall require the approval of a new Master Sign Plan.