§ 17.46.290. Trip Reduction Requirements for Residential and Nonresidential Projects  

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  • A.

    Purpose. The purpose of the trip reduction requirements is to reduce the demand for vehicle commute trips by ensuring that the design of major residential and nonresidential development projects accommodates facilities for alternative modes of transportation.


    Projects exceeding 25,000 square feet of gross floor area. Nonresidential development projects, and the nonresidential portion of mixed-use development projects, which exceed 25,000 square feet of gross floor area, as a result of new construction or an expansion of an existing use, shall provide the following:


    Carpool and vanpool parking. A minimum of 10 percent of the employee parking spaces shall be for, and designate as, preferential parking for carpool and vanpool vehicles. The parking area shall be in a location more convenient to the place of employment than parking spaces for single occupant vehicles, and shall be located as close as possible to the employee entrance.


    Bicycle parking. Bicycle parking shall be provided on site in compliance with Section 17.46.320 (Bicycle Parking Standards).


    Trip reduction plan. A transportation plan for smaller projects, or a Transportation Demand Management Program ("TDM") Plan, shall be submitted which complies with Chapter 10.64 of the Municipal Code (Transportation Management Program).


    Projects exceeding 75,000 square feet of gross floor area. Nonresidential development projects, and the nonresidential portion of mixed-use development projects, which exceed 75,000 square feet of gross floor area, as a result of new construction or an expansion of an existing use, shall meet the requirements of Subsection B., immediately above, in addition to the following:


    Carpool and vanpool loading area. A passenger loading area for carpool and vanpool vehicles shall be provided on site. At a minimum, the area shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the number of waiting vehicles equivalent to 10 percent of the required number of carpool and vanpool spaces.


    Connecting sidewalks. Designated pedestrian sidewalks or paths shall be provided on the development site between the external pedestrian system and each structure in the development.


    Bus stop improvements. Bus stop improvements, including bus pads, bus pullouts, and right-of-way for bus shelters may be required as mitigation measures if a proposed development would have substantial traffic impacts.


    Residential projects. Multi-family projects with 100 units or more, or mixed use projects with 50 units or more, shall submit a TDM Program Plan as required by Chapter 10.64 of the Municipal Code (Transportation Management Program).

(Ord. 7157 §§ 3 - 7, 2008)