PD — 35 - Colorado Hill Planned Development

Latest version.
  • Planned Development 35 — Colorado Hill Planned Development shall apply and supersede any inconsistent or different standards established by Title 17 of the Pasadena Municipal Code, but only for the development plan referred to in Section One of Ordinance No. 7296. Except as expressly provided in PD-35, PD-35 shall comply with all the requirements established by Title 17 of the Pasadena Municipal Code. The special development standards are as follows:


    Development Program. The PD-35 Development Plan includes a "north parcel" and "south parcel" as illustrated below:



    Modification to the Boundaries of the PD. Should the exterior boundary of the north parcel or south parcel change resulting from subdivision or change in ownership, the PD shall be amended to reflect the new boundary of the parcel(s) and modify any applicable development standard(s), as necessary to reflect the new boundary.


    Applicability of PD Standards. The development standards prescribed for the north parcel shall apply to the entirety of the north parcel, as illustrated above. The development standards prescribed for the south parcel shall apply to entirety of the south parcel, as illustrated above. In the event either parcel is subdivided, their respective development standards shall not apply.


    North Parcel. The north parcel shall be developed as follows:


    Allowed Uses. The following land uses shall be permitted:


    "Lodging — Hotels, motels (land use)" subject to the specific land use standards as required by PMC Section 17.50.150.


    "Retail Sales" subject to the requirements of the ECSP-CG-2 zoning district as illustrated in Table 3-3 of PMC Section 17.31.040.


    "Services Uses" subject to the requirements of the ECSP-CG-2 zoning district as illustrated in Table 3-3 of PMC Section 17.31.040.


    Maximum Amount of New Commercial Development. There shall be a maximum of 332,690 square feet of new commercial floor area allowed on the north parcel meeting the land use classification of "Lodging — Hotels, motels". There shall be a minimum of 16,400 square feet of new commercial floor area allowed on the north parcel meeting the land use classification of "Retail Sales" or "Services Uses". The maximum new commercial floor area, in total, allowed on the north parcel shall not exceed 349,090 square feet.


    Requirement for Pedestrian Oriented Uses. "Retail Sales" and "Services Uses" shall additionally meet the land use classification of "Pedestrian-Oriented Uses (land use)" as defined in PMC Section 17.80.020.


    Maximum Number of Guest Rooms. There shall be a maximum number of 375 guest rooms allowed on the north parcel.


    Maximum Floor Area Ratio. The maximum floor area ratio on the north parcel shall not exceed 2.70.


    Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage on the north parcel shall not exceed 70 percent.


    Setbacks. Setbacks on the north parcel shall be provided as follows:


    Front Setback. A zero-foot minimum to five-foot maximum setback shall be provided.


    Corner Side Setback. A zero-foot minimum to five-foot maximum setback shall be provided.


    Side Setback. A zero-foot minimum to five-foot maximum (200′ from Colorado Boulevard on Holliston) setback shall be provided.


    Side Setback. A five-foot minimum setback shall be provided elsewhere on Holliston.


    Rear Setback. A five-foot minimum setback shall be provided.

    The required front and corner-side setback shall be used for expanded sidewalk treatment and/or pedestrian area (hardscape). Additional front or corner yard setbacks are allowed only to create space for streetside plazas, patios, and building entrances.


    Maximum Height. The maximum height of the structure on the north parcel shall not exceed 78.5 feet in height. A rooftop pool and bar area, and other appurtenances, as illustrated on the site plan approved as part of the PD, shall be allowed up to a maximum height of 90 feet.


    Driveway Access. Driveway access on the north parcel shall be provided as follows.


    Along Colorado Boulevard, no more than two curb cuts shall be provided.


    Along North Hill Avenue, no more than one curb cut shall be provided.


    Along Holliston Avenue, no more than one curb cut shall be provided.


    South Parcel. The south parcel shall be developed as follows:


    Allowed Uses. The following land uses shall be permitted:


    "Single-Room Occupancy (land use)" subject to the specific land use standards as required by PMC Section 17.50.300.


    "Mixed-Use Project (land use)" subject to the specific land use standards as required by PMC Section 17.50.160.


    "Retail Sales" subject to the requirements of the ECSP-CG-2 zoning district as illustrated in Table 3-3 of PMC Section 17.31.040.


    "Services Uses" subject to the requirements of the ECSP-CG-2 zoning district as illustrated in Table 3-3 of PMC Section 17.31.040.


    Conditionally Permitted Uses. The following land uses shall be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit:


    "Lodging — Hotels, motels (land use)" subject to the specific land use standards as required by PMC Section 17.50.150.


    Maximum Amount of New Commercial Development. There shall be a maximum of 79,595 square feet of new commercial floor area allowed on the south parcel meeting the land use classification of "Single-Room Occupancy (land use)" and a minimum of 10,000 square feet of new commercial floor area allowed on the south parcel meeting the land use classification of "Retail Sales" or "Services Uses", as described above. The maximum commercial floor area, in total, allowed on the south parcel shall not exceed 89,595 square feet.

    Should the developer alternatively proceed with a project meeting the land use classification of "Mixed-Use Project (land use)", there shall be a maximum of 89,595 square feet of new commercial floor area, where a maximum 79,595 square feet is dedicated to residential units and a minimum of 10,000 square feet meets the land use classification of "Retail Sales" or "Services Uses", as described above.

    Should the developer alternatively proceed with a project meeting the land use classification of "Lodging — Hotels, motels (land use)", there shall be a maximum of 89,595 square feet of new commercial floor area, where a maximum 79,595 square feet is dedicated to a hotel use and 10,000 square feet of meets the land use classification of "Retail Sales" or "Services Uses" as described above. A "Lodging — Hotels, motels" land use shall be allowed only upon issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.


    Requirement for Pedestrian Oriented Uses. "Retail Sales" and "Services Uses" shall additionally meet the land use classification of "Pedestrian-Oriented Uses (land use)" as defined in PMC Section 17.80.020.


    Requirement for Student Occupancy. In the event the south parcel is developed with a "Single-Room Occupancy" land use, occupancy shall be limited to students. This shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administration prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.


    Maximum Number of Dwelling Units. There shall be a maximum number of 100 SRO dwelling units or 50 "mixed-use" residential dwelling units allowed on the south parcel.


    Maximum Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio on the south parcel may exceed 2.25 up to a maximum of 2.90, subject to the Design Commission determining, as part of Design Review, that the architectural design of development on the south parcel complies with Zoning Code Section 17.26.020.C.3.d.1.a.


    Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage on the south parcel shall not exceed 75 percent.


    Setbacks. Setbacks on the south parcel shall be provided as follows:


    Front Setback. A zero-foot minimum to five-foot maximum setback shall be provided.


    Corner Side Setback. A five-foot minimum to ten-foot maximum setback shall be provided.


    Side Setback. A five-foot minimum setback shall be provided.


    Rear Setback. A five-foot minimum setback shall be provided.

    The required front and corner-side setback shall be used for expanded sidewalk treatment and/or pedestrian area (hardscape). Additional front or corner yard setbacks are allowed only to create space for streetside plazas, patios, and building entrances.


    Maximum Height. The maximum height of the structure shall not exceed 48 feet in height. See Section 17.40.060 for height measurement and exceptions to height limits.


    North and South Parcels. The north parcel and south parcel shall be subject to the following:


    Design Review. New construction shall be subject to Design Review as required by Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.61.030 Design Review.


    Public Art. New construction shall comply with the Public Art Design Standards of Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.40.100 Public Art Requirements and Design Standards.


    Sale of Alcohol. Alcohol sales (beer and wine) or alcohol sales (full alcohol sales) shall require issuance of a Conditional Use Permit (see ECSP-CG-2 requirements in Table 3-3 of Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.31.040) and compliance with specific use standards in Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.50.040. This requirement applies individually to uses and/or tenant spaces occurring on the north parcel or south parcel, respectively.


    Parking. Parking shall be provided consistent with Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 17.46 (Parking and Loading).


    Shared Parking. Approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit shall be required for the sharing of parking and/or loading spaces, in either the north parcel or south parcel, to uses other than those occurring on the project site, subject to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.46.050 (Shared Parking).


    Signage. An individual master sign plan shall be prepared for the north parcel and south parcel, administered in accordance with Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 17.48 (Signs).


    Performance Standards. The performance standards of Section 17.40.090 shall apply.

(Ord. 7296 § 3 (Exh. B), 2017)