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  • 26.

    Desiderio Park. In order to provide for better traffic movement, improvements consisting of concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramp, and other work necessary to construct a 15-foot radius curb at the northeast corner of Arroyo Boulevard and Westminster Drive shall be constructed for Parcel B-2. These improvements shall include the relocation and upgrading of affected catch basin, street lights, and various utilities. In addition, the portion of cross-gutter and/or spandrel area affected by the upgraded curb return shall be reconstructed, and the curb ramp in accordance with Standard Plan S-414 shall be reconstructed. An approximately 150 feet long of curb and gutter, 5-foot wide sidewalk, and 5-foot wide parkway on the north side of Westminster Drive fronting Parcel B-2 to match the existing condition on the east side of the street shall be constructed.


    Desiderio Homes. A 15-ft radius curb and gutter, with a 10-ft wide concrete sidewalk shall be constructed at the northeast corner of Westminster Drive and California Terrace, fronting Parcel A. In addition, the land to provide a 25-foot radius property line corner rounding and necessary to facilitate the abovementioned improvements shall be dedicated to the City. The dedication shall be shown on the final map for the subsequent subdivision of Parcel A.


    Desiderio Park and Desiderio Homes. All proposed drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Drawing No. S-403. The existing gutter shall be cut as near the flow line and the paving shall not be disturbed.


    Desiderio Homes. The proposed development shall connect to the public sewer with one or more new six-inch diameter house sewers laid at a minimum slope of two percent. In accordance with PMC Chapter 13.24.010, house sewer "means that part of the horizontal piping beginning 24 inches from the exterior wall of the building or structure and extending to its connection with the public sewer." The section of house sewers within the public right-of-way - from the property line to the public sewer, or within easement, shall be vitrified clay or cast iron pipe. The house sewer shall meet City Standards as determined by the Department of Public Works, and a permit issued by the Department of Public Works is required for work within the public right-of-way. The construction of all new house sewers shall be completed prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.

    In addition, each individual lot or parcel of land from the subsequent subdivision of Parcel A shall be separately connected to the public sewer by a method approved by the Department of Public Works.


    Desiderio Park and Desiderio Homes. If drainage patterns are altered, the applicant shall provide an approved method of controlling storm water runoff. Approval shall be made by both the Planning and Community Department and the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a grading or building permit for this site.


    Desiderio Homes. If the proposed improvement drains to the driveway, the applicant shall construct a non-sump grate drain in the driveway at the back of the sidewalk. This drain shall discharge to the street at an approved angle in a cast iron curb drain or an approved curb outlet. The construction of the grate drain shall be completed prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for Parcel A.


    Desiderio Park and Desiderio Homes. The applicant shall plant and maintain, for a period of three years, a maximum of three (3) (one fronting Parcel A and two fronting Parcel B-2) officially designated street trees per the City approved master street tree plan (Quercus Suber, Cork Oak) on the subject frontage, and install and maintain an irrigation system for the trees. Location(s) will be finalized in the field by the Department of Public Works. Plans for the irrigation system shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of California and submitted to the Department for review and approval.

    In addition, the applicant may be required to remove one existing tree and replace in kind. This requirement will be subject to further field evaluation by the Parks and Natural Resources (PNR) Division.

    Tree(s) must meet the City's tree stock standards, be inspected by the City, and be planted according to the details provided by the Parks and Natural Resources (PNR) Division. PNR can be reached at (626) 744-3846. The tree(s) shall be approved by the Forestry Supervisor prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. All new tree(s) shall be maintained by either an existing or a new irrigation system constructed by the applicant.

    The applicant shall also submit a tree establishment deposit to guarantee the new tree(s) for a minimum of 90 calendar days. The maintenance within the establishment period shall consist of watering the new tree(s); the removal of weeds; the adjustment to grade of any trees that settle; and any other operations needed to assure normal tree growth. The applicant shall replace any tree(s) which, for any reason, die or are damaged under its care. The 90-day tree establishment period shall commence on the day that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Said deposit may be included as part of the construction guarantee if applicable, and is subject to partial refund or additional billing.


    Desiderio Park and Desiderio Homes. The existing street lighting system along Westminster Drive is substandard (or non-existent). In order to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, the applicant shall install a maximum of three (3) new street lights (one maximum fronting Parcel A and two maximum fronting Parcel B-2) on or near the frontage of the property along Westminster Drive, including conduits, conductors, electrical service (if necessary), pull boxes, and miscellaneous appurtenant work. The type and hardware shall conform to current policies approved by the City Council, and the location(s) shall be as approved by the Department of Public Works.

    The applicant is responsible for the design, preparation of plans and specifications, and the construction of all required street light(s). Plans for the improvements shall be prepared by a civil engineer, registered in the State of California. Upon submission of improvement plans to the Departments of Public Works for checking, the applicant will be required to place a deposit with the department to cover the cost of plan checking and construction inspection of the improvements. The amount of deposit will be determined when the plans are submitted. In addition, there is possibly considerable lead-time for the materials required for street light construction. In order to avoid delays in the development schedule, the applicant shall coordinate with this office at 626-744-4195 regarding this street light condition at least five (5) months in advance of the anticipated issuance of Certificates of Occupancy.


    Desiderio Homes. The subsequent developer for Parcel A is responsible for design, preparation of plans and specifications, and construction of all required public improvements. Plans for the above improvements shall be prepared by an engineer, registered in the State of California. Upon submission of improvement plans to the Public Works and Transportation Department for plan checking, the applicant will be required to place a deposit with the department to cover the cost of plan checking and construction inspection of the improvements. The amount of deposit will be determined when the plans are submitted and will be based upon the estimated cost to the department for the work. Civil engineering plans must be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval of the public right-of-way improvements. Plans submitted to the Building Department do not satisfy this requirement.


    Desiderio Homes. Past experience has indicated that projects such as this tend to damage the abutting street improvements with the heavy equipment and truck traffic that is necessary during construction. Additionally, the City has had difficulty in requiring developers to maintain a clean and safe site during the construction phase of development. Accordingly, the subsequent developer for Parcel A shall place a $10,000 deposit with the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. This deposit is subject to refund or additional billing, and is a guarantee that the applicant will keep the site clean and safe, and will make permanent repairs to the abutting street improvements that are damaged, including striping, slurry seal/ resurfacing, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, either directly or indirectly, by the construction on this site. This deposit may also be used for charges due to damage to existing street trees and for City personnel to review traffic control plans and maintain traffic control. A processing fee will be charged against the deposit.


    Desiderio Homes. Prior to the start of construction or the issuance of any permits, the subsequent developer for Parcel A shall submit a Construction Staging and Traffic Management Plan to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The template for the Construction Staging and Traffic Management Plan can be obtained from the Department of Public Works webpage at:
    A deposit, based on the General Fee Schedule, is required for plan review and on-going monitoring during construction. This plan shall show the impact of the various construction stages on the public right-of-way including all street occupations, lane closures, detours, staging areas, and routes of construction vehicles entering and exiting the construction site. An occupancy permit shall be obtained from the department for the occupation of any traffic lane, parking lane, parkway, or any other public right-of-way. All lane closures shall be done in accordance with the WATCH Manual, current Edition. If the public right-of-way occupation requires a diagram that is not a part of the WATCH Manual, a separate traffic control plan must be submitted as part of the Construction Staging and Traffic Management Plan to the department for review and approval.

    In addition, prior to the start of construction or the issuance of any permits, the applicant shall conduct a field meeting with an inspector from Department of Public Works for review and approval of construction staging, parking, delivery and storage of materials, final sign-off procedure, and any of the specifics that will affect the public right-of-way. An appointment can be arranged by calling 626-744-4195.


    Desiderio Homes. The applicant's engineer shall be required to set boundary monuments on the proposed subdivision per Pasadena Municipal Code, Section 16.24.060, and furnish to the City a set of original field notes.


    Desiderio Homes. Upon submission of the final parcel map to the City for approval by the City Council, the applicant shall supply the City with the final map and a deposit (based on the current General Fee Schedule) to cover the cost of processing the final map. The applicant shall complete all required conditions before City's approval, or provide a Letter of Credit or cash deposit to cover all unfinished public improvements as quantified in an approved cost estimate. Currently, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works is utilizing the computer to update and digitize the countywide landbase. It is required that the applicant's engineer submit a map in digital format with the final Mylar map to the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works for recordation and to the City of Pasadena Department of Public Works for incorporation into its GIS landbase map. The City of Pasadena's GIS Coordinate System must be used for the digital file. The applicant's engineer shall contact the City to obtain information on the City's GIS Coordinate System prior to preparation of the digital file.


    Desiderio Homes. All costs associated with these conditions shall be the applicant's responsibility. Unless otherwise noted in this memo, all costs are based on the General Fee Schedule that is in effect at the time these conditions are met. A processing fee will be charged against all deposits.


    Desiderio Park and Desiderio Homes. In addition to the above conditions, the requirements of the following ordinances shall apply to the proposed parcel map and any subsequent subdivision:


    Sewer Facility Charge - Chapter 4.53 of the PMC

    The ordinance provides for the sewer facility charge to ensure that new development within the city limits pays its estimated cost for capacity upgrades to the city sewer system, and to ensure financial solvency as the city implements the operational and maintenance practices set forth in the city's master sewer plan generated by additional demand on the system. Based on sewer deficiencies identified in the City's Master Sewer Plan, the applicant may be subject to a Sewer Facility Charge to the City for the project's fair share of the deficiencies. The Sewer Facility Charge is based on the Taxes, Fees and Charges Schedule and will be calculated and collected at the time of Building Permit Issuance.


    Residential Impact Fee Ordinance - Chapter 4.17 of the PMC

    The ordinance was established to provide funds to mitigate the impact of new residential development on City parks and park and recreational facilities. A copy of the Residential Impact Fee Information Packet is available at the city webpage at:
    http://www.ci.pasadena.ca.us/PublicWorks/Engineering Division/

    The Residential Impact Fee is based on the current Taxes, Fees and Charges Schedule (http://www.ci.pasadena.ca.us/Finance/Fees and Tax Schedules/) and will be calculated and collected at the time of Building Permit Issuance.

    The building plans shall include, preferably on the title sheet, a summary of all living units to capture the number of different units; number of bedrooms in each unit; and types of units (Regular, Workforce housing, Skilled nursing unit, Student housing, Residential care facility for the elderly, Affordable Housing). The definitions on the different types of units are available in the abovementioned Residential Impact Fee Information Packet as well as in the Pasadena Municipal Code.


    Sidewalk Ordinance - Chapter 12.04 of the Pasadena Municipal Code (PMC)

    In accordance with Section 12.04.035, entitled "Abandoned Driveways" of the PMC, the applicant shall close any unused drive approach with standard concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. In addition, the applicant shall repair any existing or newly damaged sidewalk along the subject frontage prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or any building permit for work in excess of $5,000 pertaining to occupancy or construction on the property in accordance with Section 12.04.031, entitled "Inspection required for Permit Clearance" of the PMC.


    City Trees and Tree Protection Ordinance - Chapter 8.52 of the PMC

    The ordinance provides for the protection of specific types of trees on private property as well as all trees on public property. No street trees in the public right-of-way shall be removed without the approval of the Urban Forestry Advisory Committee.


    Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance - Chapter 8.70 of the PMC

    This project is subject to the requirements of the City's Storm Water and Urban Runoff Control Regulation Ordinance which implements the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP). Prior to the issuance of any demolition, grading or construction permits for this project, the developer shall submit a detailed plan indicating the method of SUSMP compliance. Information on the SUSMP requirements can be obtained from the Permit Center's webpage at


    Construction and Demolition Waste Ordinance, Chapter 8.62 of the PMC

    The applicant shall submit the following plan and form which can be obtained from the Permit Center's webpage at
    http://cityofpasadena.net/PermitCenter/Plans_Submittal_Checklists/ and the Recycling Coordinator, (626) 744-7175, for approval prior to the request for a permit:


    C & D Recycling & Waste Assessment Plan - Submit plan prior to issuance of the permit. A list of Construction and Demolition Recyclers can be obtained from the Recycling Coordinator.


    Monthly reports must be submitted throughout the duration of the project.


    Summary Report with documentation must be submitted prior to final inspection.

    A security performance deposit of three percent of the total valuation of the project or $30,000, whichever is less, is due prior to permit issuance. This deposit is fully refundable upon compliance with Chapter 8.62 of the PMC. A non-refundable Administrative Review fee is also due prior to permit issuance and the amount is based upon the type of project.