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    Conformance with Plans. The site/floor/elevation plans submitted for building permits shall substantially conform to the plans submitted with the PD-33 application, on file in the Planning and Community Development Department, except as modified herein. Plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any project building/grading/foundation permits.


    Call for Review. The Planning & Community Development Director, at any time, can call for a review of the approved conditions at a duly noticed public hearing. These conditions herein may be modified or new conditions applied to reduce any unforeseen impacts during the construction or operation of the use.


    Hours of Construction. Construction and demolition activities shall be limited to between the hours of 7 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday, and from 8 am to 5 pm on Saturdays. No construction or demolition activities shall occur on Sundays or holidays.


    Noise Regulations. The applicant shall adhere to the City's noise regulations in accordance with Section 9.36 of the Pasadena Municipal Code.


    Other City Requirements. The applicant or successor in interest shall comply with the applicable code requirements of the Zoning Code and all other City Departments.


    Mitigation Measures. The applicant or successor in interest shall comply with all of the mitigation measures of the Environmental Impact Report for "Reuse of the Desiderio Army Reserve Center," State Clearinghouse No. 2013091086, as follows:

    Cultural Resources

    (3.1-1) Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project, the City shall install commemorative signage in locations visible from the public right of way that identifies the Desiderio USARC as an historic resource eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

    (3.1-2) Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the City shall retain for its records the Architectural Recordation and photo documentation prepared by the Army for the Desiderio USARC site and accepted by SHPO. The Architectural Recordation and photo documentation shall remain on file with the City. Acceptance of these documents will satisfy the requirements of Section 106.

    (3.1-3) All grading activities and surface modifications must be confined to only those areas of absolute necessity to reduce any form of impact on unrecorded (buried) cultural resources that may exist within the confines of the project site. In the event that previously undetected archaeological, paleontological, and/or historical resources are found during construction, activity in the immediate area of the find shall stop and a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist, as applicable, shall be contacted to evaluate the resource(s). If the find is determined to be a historical or unique archaeological resource, as defined by CEQA, contingency funding and a time allotment sufficient to allow for implementation of avoidance measures or appropriate mitigation shall be provided. Construction work may continue on other parts of the construction site while historical/archaeological mitigation takes place, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5 (f) and Public Resources Code section 21083.2 (i).

    (3.1-4) If human remains are encountered during excavation and grading activities within the project site, the contractor shall stop such activities. In the event of accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the subject site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains and the following steps shall be taken:

    If the remains are of Native American origin, either of the following steps will be taken:

    The coroner should contact the Native American Heritage Commission in order to ascertain the proper descendants from the deceased individual. The coroner should make a recommendation to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods, which may include obtaining a qualified archaeologist or team of archaeologists to properly excavate the human remains.

    Implementing or local agencies or authorized representatives should retain a Native American monitor, and an archaeologist, if recommended by the Native American monitor, and rebury the Native American human remains and any associated grave goods, with appropriate dignity, on the property and in a location that is not subject to further subsurface disturbance when any of the following conditions occurs:

    The Native American Heritage Commission is unable to identify a descendent.

    The descendant identified fails to make a recommendation.

    The implementing agency or its authorized representative rejects the recommendation of the descendant, and the mediation by the Native American Heritage Commission fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner.

    Hazards and Hazardous Materials

    (3.2-1) Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the City shall prepare a hazardous materials action plan in coordination with the City Fire Department. The plan shall provide clear direction as to the removal of known hazardous materials on the project site (ACMs, lead, and PCBs). Information included in the plan shall include the party responsible for the removal, applicable state and federal compliance measures, and a plan for disposal of hazardous materials.


    (3.3-1) When demolition or construction operations occur within 100 feet of occupied residential areas, the construction contractor(s) shall implement appropriate best management practice (BMP) noise reduction measures.

    Two weeks prior to the commencement of demolition or construction, notification shall be provided to surrounding land uses within 1,000 feet of a project site disclosing the construction schedule, including the various types of activities that would be occurring throughout the duration of the construction period.

    Ensure that construction equipment is properly muffled according to industry standards and in good working condition.

    Place noise-generating construction equipment and locate construction staging areas away from sensitive uses, where feasible.

    Schedule high noise-producing construction activities between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM to minimize disruption to sensitive uses.

    Place noise blankets around stationary construction noise sources.

    Construction-related equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, shall be turned off when not in use for more than 30 minutes.

    Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow for surrounding owners and residents to contact the job superintendent. If the job superintendent receives a complaint, the superintendent shall investigate, take appropriate corrective action, and report the action taken to the reporting party.