PD — 31 - Montana I and II  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Land Use. Shall be those allowed by the underlying Central District subdistricts, as of the effective date of the PD.


    Development Standards.


    Floor-Area Ratio: The FAR for the entire Planned Development site shall not exceed 3.1. Parking and parking related area, defined as the area for valet, drop off and entrance is not included in the floor area of FAR.


    Residential Density: The number of residential units shall not exceed 50.


    General provisions


    Parking Structure. Demolish the westerly approximately 12 feet of the existing parking structure so as to widen the pedestrian walkway on the west side of Montana I and maximize the north-south view corridor of the City Hall dome from Colorado Boulevard prior to occupancy of Montana I. Demolition shall not be required for that portion of the parking structure that is north of the current elevator/stairway/utility vault.


    Project Modifications. Any modifications to approved plans shall be submitted for review and approval to the Director of Planning and Development, for compliance with all applicable development standards.


    Mitigation Measures and Conditions of Approval. The applicant, or successor in interest, shall comply with all Mitigation Measures identified in the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Conditions of Approval identified by all applicable City Departments. The applicant shall participate in an on-going Mitigation Monitoring Program to ensure the appropriate implementation of the mitigation measures and conditions of approval.


    Construction and Demolition Waste Management Recycling Plan. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 8.62.


    Lighting. A lighting plan shall be prepared for the project to provide for the safe movement of people and vehicles throughout the project site. The lighting plan shall be submitted for review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. The Design Commission shall review and approve the lighting design.


    Design Guidelines. In addition to the standards of the Planned Development, all development, including the design of the Montana I and II, shall be subject to citywide design principles and to the design guidelines for the Central District, adopted by the City Council on October 21, 2002.


    Other City requirements. The applicant, or successor in interest, shall meet all other City requirements including those from the Public Works Department, the Transportation Department, and the Building Division. Prior to issuance of excavation and/or grading permits, a Construction Staging Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval.

    Montana I


    Floor Area and Coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 72.8 percent of the parcels on the Montana I block. The Development shall include at least 7,000 square feet of retail use fronting on Colorado Boulevard, with a minimum depth of 30 feet from the property line.


    Height. The maximum height of new structures shall be as follows:


    The building shall not exceed 80 feet and 6 stories in height to the top roof parapet of the building, with height measured from the existing grade.


    The height shall not exceed 68 feet for a distance of 10 feet from the property lines on Colorado Boulevard and Euclid Avenue and shall step back a distance of 10 feet above 68 feet on four sides.


    Height limits do not include appurtenances and screening, as permitted by the Zoning Code.


    Setbacks. At sidewalk on Colorado Boulevard and Euclid Avenue with 5 foot setback in central section of Colorado frontage. Building massing above the ground floor shall have at least one significant modulation in the Colorado Boulevard frontage and also in the Euclid Avenue frontage.


    Fenestration and Entrances. The building shall have multiple entrances and windows along the streets, including separate entrances for different uses. There shall be a main pedestrian entrance on Colorado Boulevard to the residential units.


    Pedestrian Activity/Landscaping. To encourage pedestrian activity and access to City Hall, the project shall include a pedestrian walkway and landscaped areas as follows:


    Pedestrian Walkway. A landscaped pedestrian walkway of at least 28 feet in width shall extend from Colorado Boulevard between the existing office building and the new structure, connecting to the corner plaza at Garfield Avenue and Union Street.


    Courtyard. A landscaped courtyard with a width of 24 feet or greater shall separate the new structure from the existing parking structure and shall be visible from Euclid Avenue and the pedestrian walkway.


    Parking access. Neither a parking structure nor access to parking is permitted on Colorado Boulevard. Ingress and egress shall be limited to two drive entrances on Euclid Avenue.


    Parking Use on the Ground Floor. Parking and parking related uses shall not exceed 50 percent of ground floor area.


    Driveway Visibility. Pedestrian and vehicle street visibility for a distance of 50 feet from each exit shall be maintained.


    Parking Spaces. There shall be at least 1.5 spaces per residential unit, and parking for other uses shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Code, unless otherwise specified in the PD. One tandem space (9 feet by 34 feet) may be substituted for one parking space required for a residential unit.


    Parking Ramps. The maximum grade of ramps that serve parking exclusively dedicated to the residential units shall be 16 percent. Ramps shall not exceed 2 percent for a distance of 10 feet from an entrance at the property line.


    Loading. One off-street space with dimensions of 10 feet X 20 feet X 10 feet shall be provided.

    Montana II


    Floor Area and Coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 64 percent. Development will have approximately 96,300 square feet and shall include at least 2,500 square feet of commercial use on the ground floor.


    Height. The maximum height of a new structure shall not exceed 66 feet to the top roof parapet, measured from the existing grade, stepping down to 55 feet. The height limit does not include appurtenances and screening, as permitted by the Zoning Code.


    Setbacks. The building shall be set back at least 10 feet from the Union Street property line and shall include at least one significant modulation of the Union Street building facade. No setback on the ground level is permitted along the Euclid Street frontage.


    Fenestration and Entrances. The building shall have multiple entrances and windows along the streets, including separate entrances for different uses.


    Pedestrian Activity/Landscaping. To encourage pedestrian activity, the area along the Union Street frontage shall be landscaped.


    Parking on the ground floor. Parking and parking related uses shall not exceed 50 percent of ground floor area.


    Parking Access. Ingress and egress shall be limited to two drive entrances on Euclid Avenue.


    Driveway visibility. Pedestrian and vehicle street visibility for a distance of 50 feet from each exit shall be maintained.


    Parking spaces. There shall be at least 1.5 spaces per residential unit, and parking for other uses shall meet the requirements of Title 17, unless otherwise specified in the Planned Development. One tandem space (9 feet by 34 feet) may be substituted for one parking space required for a residential unit.


    Loading. One off-street space with dimensions of 10 feet X 20 feet X 10 feet shall be provided for retail area.


    The land use regulations, additional land use regulations, development standards, and additional development standards of the Central District subdistrict that are consistent with the provisions below shall apply. After the 2004 revision of the City's Zoning Code, Zoning Code provisions that are consistent with the provision below shall apply. In cases of conflict, this Planned Development shall control.