PD — 27 - King's Village  

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  • A.

    Permitted Uses in PD-27.


    Multi-family and single-family residential, including senior housing.


    Accessory buildings and uses limited to those reasonably related to the multi-family uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator.


    Certain community facilities uses such as child day care, learning and skills training intended for the residents of the PD, and for the general public shall be conditionally permitted.


    An amendment to the Planned Development (PD) shall be required if any increase in existing number of units, or reconfiguration of parcels would create one or more new development sites, or substantially modify parcel boundary lines. An amendment to the PD should take into consideration the merits of the project and compatibility with the surrounding zoning districts.


    Development Standards in PD-27. Development standards for the existing single-family residential developments and multi-family residential development are as follows:


    Single-Family Sites. Any renovation, rehabilitation, addition, or demolition and reconstruction of existing single family residential units shall be governed by the development standards of Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre (RS-6) district.


    Multi-Family Sites.


    Existing Dwellings. Any floor area additions to existing dwelling units or accessory structures shall be permitted subject to the following development standards:


    Height Limit - No building shall exceed thirty-six (36) feet in height.


    Building Area - The building area shall not exceed fifty percent (50 percent) of the total area of any corner lot nor forty-five percent (45 percent) of the total area of any other lot where structures having two or more dwelling units are involved.


    Number of Dwelling Units Per Building - There shall be no more than twelve (12) dwelling units in any one building.


    Front Yard Setback Lines - The average depth of the front yard shall be at least twenty (20) feet. Up to fifty percent (50 percent) of the building frontage may project in front of the twenty (20) foot average setback line a maximum of five (5) feet, so long as a matching amount of building frontage remains behind said setback line an equal distance. Eaves may project into said front yard for a distance not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches where southerly and westerly exposure occur.


    Lots facing on Washington Boulevard and Fair Oaks Avenue shall have a front yard with an average depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. Up to fifty percent (50 percent) of the building frontage may project in front of the twenty-five (25) foot average setback line a maximum of five (5) feet, so long as a matching amount of frontage remains behind said setback line in equal distance.


    Side Yard Setback Lines - The required side yard shall be ten (10) feet. For buildings not over two (2) stories in height and where living room windows do not face a side yard, the side yard may be reduced to five (5) feet.


    Rear Yard Setback Lines - There shall be a rear yard on every lot including double frontage lots. The depth of such rear yard shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet.


    Distance Between Dwellings and Width of Courts - The distance between dwellings on the same lot and the width of courts shall not be less than twenty (20) feet with the following exceptions:

    Where a one or two-story dwelling faces an un-fenestrated dwelling wall, the distance may be reduced to sixteen (16) feet.

    Where a dwelling faces a wall of an accessory building, the minimum distance shall not be less than ten (10) feet.


    New Construction. Any new construction shall be subject to the following additional development standard:


    A minimum of 2,750 square feet lot area per dwelling unit shall be provided in a multi-family residential development.


    Single-family lots shall have a minimum of 7,200 square feet in area.