PD — 26 - Colorado - Los Robles  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Land use. That portion of the property formerly identified as Central District 16 (CD-16) by the Pasadena Municipal Code 1991 shall be used only for the uses identified in Appendix 'A'.


    Permitted Uses. Land uses identified in Attachment A to this ordinance shall be permitted. A Conditional Use Permit for a nonresidential project having more than 25,000 square feet shall not be required for a project that is consistent with the provisions of this PD ordinance.


    Conditionally Permitted Uses. Conditionally permitted land uses shall be as identified in Appendix 'A'. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required for any use proposing to offer alcoholic beverages for sale for consumption on premises only.


    Development standards. All of the development standards and development additional standards of the CD Central District - CD-16 formerly identified in Chapter 17.33 by the Pasadena Municipal Code that are not inconsistent with this Planned Development shall apply. In cases of conflict, this Planned Development shall prevail.


    Floor Area. New construction shall not exceed 270,000 square feet of gross floor area (excluding outdoor dining areas) and shall substantially conform to the site plan entitled Exhibit 1 .


    Maximum Building Area. The maximum building coverage on the project site shall not exceed 50 percent.


    Building Height. The maximum height of all new structures shall be as follows:


    The building shall not exceed 78 feet in height to the top roof parapet of the building, with height measured from the existing grade.


    The tallest portion of the building shall be concentrated at the intersection of Colorado Boulevard and Los Robles and from there must step down in height to the west and north. Massing and elevational treatments of the building shall complement and not dominate the surrounding buildings.


    Appurtenances. Building appurtenances shall not exceed 20 feet above the building height limit set forth in the PD and shall cover no more than 30 percent of the total roof area of the building.


    Setbacks. There shall be no setbacks required along the street frontages of the project. The Los Robles elevation, however, shall include architectural treatments to express the importance of the Pacific Asia Museum on the east side of the street.


    Fenestration. The building shall have multiple entrances and windows along the streets. The main entrance lobby shall allow for direct physical access from the street to well designated semi-public open space within the project.


    Arcades. Pedestrian arcades shall be located along the Los Robles Avenue frontage and will continue to a terminus at the pedestrian promenade entrance on Colorado Boulevard.


    Active Uses. A minimum of 35 percent of the gross floor area of the ground floor of the building shall be devoted to active, non-financial, pedestrian-oriented uses such as eating and drinking establishments and retail sales.


    Pedestrian Activity/Landscaping. To encourage pedestrian activity, the project shall include walkways and plazas which promote pedestrian linkage within the Civic Center District as follows:


    Walkways/Paseos. The project shall include pedestrian entrance walkways leading from Colorado Boulevard, Euclid Avenue and Union Street into the semi-public, open space area of the project.


    Landscaping. A central garden area shall be incorporated into the project to include landscaping materials and site amenities. The landscaped area at the southwest corner of Los Robles and Union Street, adjacent to the loading dock, shall be designed to encourage pedestrian movement into the project, provide a visual connection to the central garden area, and include landscaping that relates thematically to the Pacific Asia Museum.


    The paseo/promenade areas of the project, including the arcade area between the loading dock and the building at the north end of the project, shall be open for pedestrian access at all times.


    No construction shall be permitted that results in the injury or removal of a landmark, native, or specimen tree as defined under Chapter 8.52 of the Pasadena Municipal Code, unless findings are made pursuant to Chapter 8.52.


    Fences/Walls. The maximum height of fences and walls shall be eight feet, and shall be constructed of solid material where they abut the interior property line of the project.


    Parking. The standards for parking shall be as follows:


    Required parking for the project will be accommodated in a subterranean parking structure. The location of driveways leading to subterranean parking shall be limited to Union Street and Euclid Avenue only. There shall be no vehicular access to parking from Colorado Boulevard or Los Robles Avenue.


    A minimum of 772 parking spaces shall be provided on site for the project with full time parking attendant as follows: a minimum of 104 customer/visitor spaces; 16 ADA Handicapped spaces; 375 employee spaces and 277 compact parking spaces. A maximum of 50 percent of required employee parking may be achieved utilizing compact car stall dimensions.


    Shared parking is permitted for this project without a minor Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to thresholds identified in the shared parking analysis in the Project's Final Environmental Impact Report. Future land-use deviations not consistent with the shared parking thresholds will require reanalysis of traffic impacts on the project site, which may result in the need for a minor Conditional Use Permit.


    Pedestrian access to and from the parking structure shall be achieved by means of vertical transportation from the central garden/open space area of the Project. Direct access from the parking garage to the office building shall not be permitted.


    The ramp leading to the subterranean parking shall be a minimum of 75 feet in length and have a maximum ramp grade not to exceed 16 percent, with the first and last 10 feet of the ramp not to exceed eight percent grade. The slope of all parking areas, excluding ramps shall not exceed five percent grade. Minimum lane width for a one-way ramp shall be 10'-10".


    Tandem parking spaces shall be allowed on-site with the following minimum dimensions: (1) full size employee: 8.5 feet by 34 feet; (2) full size customer and visitor: 9 feet by 34 feet; and (3) compact sized customer and visitor: 7.5 feet x 30 feet.


    No more than 85 percent of total parking for the project shall be provided in a tandem parking configuration. A full-time attendant will be on duty during business hours for on-site uses.


    The driving surface of the subterranean parking levels shall be treated to reduce noise from vehicle tires.


    Security gates or grilles shall be provided at the subterranean parking garage entry and at the loading dock and shall be open during all hours of operation.


    Provisions for valet parking may be permitted within the subterranean parking garage of the building.


    Valet parking for the restaurant uses may be permitted with the approval of the Public Works and Transportation Department.


    Loading. The standards for loading shall be as follows:


    Shared loading shall be permitted without a minor Conditional Use Permit. Two loading docks shall be permitted in conjunction with this project.


    Vehicular ingress/egress and access to the loading dock area of the project shall be via Union Street. Loading spaces shall have adequate ingress and egress and shall be designed and maintained to ensure safe maneuvering, loading and unloading of vehicles. Additional on-street loading areas may be permitted with the approval of Public Works and Transportation Department. Final location(s), configuration and hours of operation for all loading areas shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and the Public Works and Transportation Department.


    Loading dock size shall be a minimum width of 26 feet and a minimum length of 45 feet to the Union Street property line. The loading dock shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet and may be open to the sky.


    Loading areas or spaces visible from the street shall be screened from view on three sides by a fence or wall at least six feet in height or through the use of landscaping material.


    Refuse Storage Areas. A trash compactor shall be incorporated into the project and located in the loading dock area of the project site. The location and size of the trash compactor shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Transportation Department.


    Recycling. A recycling area shall be provided in the subterranean garage for the project. A separate bin for each type of recyclable material collected shall be provided and clearly marked with the types of recyclable materials. A list of materials for which the bin is provided shall be attached to the bin. The location and size of the recycling area/bins shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Transportation Department.


    Construction and Demolition Waste Management Recycling Plan. The applicant, under voluntary condition, shall consider utilizing the construction and demolition waste management recycling plan for the project. This plan shall allow for the following measures to be incorporated by the applicant:


    Energy design shall indicate that the project will meet an energy budget which is 20 percent less than that prescribed by the current California Energy Regulations which are being enforced by the City of Pasadena.


    The developer shall advertise the availability of salvageable materials and make them available to interested individuals or groups either by auction or the taking prior to dismantling existing buildings.


    The developer shall use deconstruction techniques rather than demolition to remove existing buildings that are not being retained or rehabilitated in the new development.


    The developer shall provide a waste assessment plan to indicate what materials may or can be reused or recycled.


    The developer shall provide a summary report and documentation of all materials reused or recycled at the close or construction and prior to the certificate of occupancy.


    The developer shall strive to reuse and incorporate materials from the existing buildings into the new construction whenever feasible. The developer shall strive to incorporate materials containing recycled content materials in the new construction whenever feasible.


    Signage. A master sign program for the project shall be submitted for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. The signage plan shall provide guidelines for the design of on-premise project identification, retail/commercial tenant signs and directional signage. Wall signs shall be limited to 1.5 square feet of sign per linear foot of street frontage.


    Lighting. A lighting plan shall be prepared for the project to provide for the safe movement of people and vehicles throughout the project site. The lighting plan shall be submitted for review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.


    Project modifications. Any modifications to approved plans shall be submitted for review and approval to the Director of Planning and Development, for compliance with all applicable guidelines.


    Mitigation measures and conditions of approval. The applicant, or successor in interest, shall comply with all Mitigation Measures identified in the approved Environmental Impact Report, and Conditions of Approval identified by all applicable City Departments for the Project. The applicant shall participate in an on-going Mitigation Monitoring Program to ensure the appropriate implementation of the mitigation measures and conditions of approval for the project.


    Other City requirements. The applicant, or successor in interest, shall meet all other City requirements, including those from the Public Works & Transportation Department and the Building Division. Prior to issuance of excavation and/or grading permits, a Construction Staging Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Department of Public Works & Transportation for review and approval.