PD — 25 - Vista Del Arroyo Bungalows  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The land use regulations and additional use regulations of the RM 16-1 zoning district as contained in Chapter 17.24, that are not inconsistent with this Planned Development shall apply. In cases of conflict, this Planned Development shall prevail.


    The following land uses shall be permitted: multifamily residential; family day care home: small; family day care home: large; adult day care, limited; home occupations [subject to Chapter 17.64.080 (home occupations)]; personal property sales; utilities, minor; filming, short-term, and; accessory uses.


    The following land use shall be conditionally permitted: filming, long-term. The following land use shall be permitted with a Temporary Conditional Use Permit except as permitted under Chapter 17.24: tents.


    No Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for elevations in grade.


    All of the development standards and additional development standards of the RM Multifamily Residential Districts - RM 16-1 as contained in Chapter 17.24, that are not inconsistent with this Planned Development shall apply. In cases of conflict, this Planned Development shall prevail.


    New construction and alteration to the existing bungalows shall substantially conform to Exhibit 1, except as stipulated by the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and/or in this ordinance. The Design Commission may approve minor deviations to this plan following reviews of the project by the SHPO.


    All substantial alterations to the site, including to the existing bungalows (referred to as 3 South Grand Avenue, 7 South Grand Avenue, 11 South Grand Avenue, 17 South Grand Avenue, 21 South Grand Avenue, 25 South Grand Avenue, 45 South Grand Avenue, and 49 South Grand Avenue), shall only be permitted in conjunction with design review approval pursuant to Chapter 17.92. Such work shall be in conformance with the Secretary of the Interior's "Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings" and the Secretary's "Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties." The director shall determine whether or not a proposed alteration is substantial.


    The project shall be subject to an advisory review by the Cultural Heritage Commission, before concept design review. Recommendations from the Cultural Heritage Commission shall be forwarded to the Design Commission for its consideration during design review.


    The SHPO shall be consulted regarding any work substantially altering the site or on-site development. Approval shall be required from the SHPO for any physical or structural changes or changes of color or surfacing made to the exterior of the existing structures and architecturally or historically significant interior features of the existing structures.


    Placement of the driveway accessing Grand Avenue may deviate from the site plan if approved by the director and the Director of Public Works & Transportation, consistent with Section 4, Paragraph 10 of this Ordinance. Minor changes to the site plan resulting from placement of the driveway shall be approved by the director.


    New construction shall not exceed 29 dwelling units. In no case shall new development exceed ten dwelling units per acre; total on-site development shall not exceed 45 dwelling units.


    The maximum lot coverage for the site shall be 35 percent.


    Separations between buildings and maximum façade lengths for all new construction shall substantially conform to the site plan, except as stipulated in this ordinance. The Design Commission may approve minor deviations to this plan following reviews of the project by the SHPO.


    Parking facility design shall be in accordance with Chapter 17.68, except that minimum driveway and parking ramp widths shall be 18 feet. A minimum of two spaces per unit and one guest space per 10 units shall be provided.


    The maximum height of all new structures shall be as follows:


    Heights shall be measured from finished grade to the ridgeline. Building heights in lower portions of the site between the existing bungalows and the western property line and the Colorado Street Bridge shall not exceed 35 feet. Building heights north of the Colorado Street Bridge shall not exceed 25 feet in height, except that 20 percent of the building footprint may exceed 25 feet to a maximum of 35 feet. No story shall exceed 12.5 feet in height, measured from floor to floor.


    Buildings adjacent to South Grand Avenue shall not exceed two stories.


    Subterranean, partially subterranean, or at grade parking structures shall not be counted towards the total number of stories in each building. Only subterranean parking shall be permitted on Grand Avenue.


    The project shall meet the appurtenance requirements of Chapter 17.24, except that no appurtenances, enclosed or trellised roof decks, or structures shall be on top of any new two-story building adjacent to the Maxwell House.


    All yards shall substantially conform with the site plan, and shall be as follows:


    The front yard on South Grand Avenue shall be a minimum of ten feet. Buildings along South Grand Avenue shall not extend easterly past a straight line extending northward from the front façade of the Maxwell House. The front yard on Arroyo Drive shall be an average of 15 feet with a minimum dimension of ten feet. Side yards shall be a minimum of five feet wide, except that no side yard shall be required adjacent to the existing bungalows and the new structure immediately adjacent to Defender's Park and South Grand Avenue at the northeast corner of the site. The side yard adjacent to the Maxwell House shall be as stipulated in this ordinance. Additional articulation, setbacks, and massing standards for buildings adjacent to front and side yards may be required through design review.


    Only patios, chimneys, uncovered porches or decks, uncovered steps or landings, underground utilities, parking ramps, or driveways may encroach into the required side yard, subject to review by the Design Commission.


    The site shall include at least one main garden or landscaped court for each cluster of buildings, except as stipulated in this ordinance and further stipulated through design review. Garden standards for new construction shall meet the requirements of Chapter 17.24, except as modified by this ordinance.


    The size, location, and dimensions of the main garden rectangles shall substantially conform to the site plan.


    Tree wells over parking structures need not extend down to natural soil, but shall be of adequate size to support the trees when mature, as determined by the director.


    Garden height requirements measured from finished or natural grade shall not apply, but shall be determined through the design review process.


    No structures, facilities, or other development (with the exception of driveways, parking lots, and signs) shall be located within the 60-foot wide easement for the Colorado Street Bridge. Any driveways, parking lots, or signs within the easement shall be reviewed by the Public Works & Transportation Department.


    A landscaped garden area shall be created and maintained north of the Maxwell House. The garden area shall be accessible to the owners, tenants, and visitors of the Maxwell House from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. by right. Between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., the garden area may be accessible to the owners, tenants, and visitors of the Maxwell House if agreed to by both tenants and property owners of both the subject property and the Maxwell House.


    Buildings shall be located at a minimum 30 feet north of the southern property line measured at a point 25 feet west of the front, northeast corner of the Maxwell House, and extending at a minimum 50 feet west from the northeast corner of the Maxwell House and to the public right-of-way at South Grand Avenue.


    No garden walls exceeding three feet in height, property line walls or fences, buildings, or other above ground structures shall be located in this garden area unless agreed to in writing by property owners and tenants of both the subject site and the Maxwell House.


    No driveways or parking ramps shall be located in this garden area.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall meet all mitigation measures identified in the approved Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study and Conditions of Approval and will participate in an on-going mitigation monitoring program to ensure the appropriate implementation of the mitigation measures and conditions of approval.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall meet all other City requirements, including those from the Public Works & Transportation Department and the Building Division. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a Construction Staging Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Department of Public Works & Transportation for review and approval.