PD — 23 - Salvation Army  

Latest version.
  • The following development standards shall apply to the property reclassified as PD — 23:


    The subject property shall be developed in conformance with the site plan hereto on file with the office of the Zoning Administrator as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by this reference. The site shall be limited to residential uses and other accessory uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator.


    A maximum of 75-units shall be provided for very low income senior citizens as defined in Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.12.129 and handicapped senior citizens. The applicant or successor in interest shall submit a covenant in recordable form approved by the City Attorney's office to ensure that these units are made available to very low income senior citizens for thirty (30) years.


    Along the Catalina Avenue frontage, a minimum 15-foot front yard shall be established. A minimum side yard of 17 feet shall be provided adjacent to the northern property line of the northernmost lot which was classified RM-48 PK (Multi-family Residential 48 d.u./net acre with Parking Overlay) prior to the passage of this ordinance.


    The new building shall have a maximum height of two (2) stories or 24 feet within 55 feet of the Union Street frontage. At a point 55 feet from the Union Street frontage, the new building shall have a maximum height of four (4) stories or 45 feet (to match the height of the existing gymnasium building currently on the property). The total square footage shall not exceed 70,000 net square feet.


    Vehicular access to the new parking lot shall be provided solely from Union Street. A minimum of 41 parking spaces shall be provided for the residents on-site and all spaces shall be clearly marked and designated for residents and visitors to the apartment complex. No covered parking shall be required.


    A block wall with a maximum height of 6 feet shall be constructed on the northern property line of the northernmost lot which was classified RM-48 PK prior to the passage of this ordinance. The height of said wall shall not exceed 42 inches within 15 feet of Catalina Avenue. A block wall with a maximum height of 42 inches shall also be constructed on the Union Street frontage.


    The building frontages on Catalina Avenue shall remain open with no solid walls blocking views into the property. A front door shall be installed on Catalina Avenue to allow for pedestrian ingress and egress.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall offer the existing structures located at 147 and 153 North Catalina Avenue (that were determined to be structures of merit by the Cultural Heritage Commission) for relocation to another site. The applicant or successor in interest shall also advertise the availability of the buildings for relocation in a newspaper of widespread local or regional circulation for six (6) weeks; and shall make a concerted effort to find a recipient so that the structures are preserved on another site. If the buildings cannot be relocated, the applicant or successor in interest shall photo-document the buildings according to the requirements of Pasadena Municipal Code Section 2.75.210(D) (2).


    The applicant or successor in interest shall file an application for a preliminary parcel map to consolidate the existing lots within six months of the issuance of building permits, but prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy. The final parcel map shall be recorded within one year of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall comply with all conditions and requirements imposed by the Public Works and Transportation Department dated May 12, 1992, attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference, including requirements pertaining to installation and maintenance of street trees, installation of sewer and drainage systems, street lights, preparation of plans and specifications for public improvements, site maintenance, and construction staging plans, including the payment of deposits for these purposes.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall comply with all conditions and requirements of the Department of Water and Power dated May 12, 1992 and attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by this reference, including requirements pertaining to installation of water supply lines, and backflow devices.


    The applicant or successor in interest shall comply with requirements of all City departments.


    The new construction built pursuant to this ordinance need not comply with the requirements of Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 17.24 (RM - Multi-family Residential Districts), commonly referred to as City of Gardens. Except as expressly provided herein, the new construction shall comply with Pasadena Municipal Code Chapter 17.26 RM-48 Urban Residential standards.


    In cases of conflict between the provisions of this Planned Development ordinance and the provisions of Title 17, this ordinance shall control.

(Ord. 7009, § 32, 2005)