PD — 18 - Colorado/El Nido  

Latest version.
  • The following development standards apply to the property reclassified in Section 2 of Ordinance 6212:


    The gross floor area leased to take-out restaurants and bars or taverns shall not exceed 4,800 square feet. The sum of the gross floor area for restaurants, take-out restaurants and bars or taverns in the entire project shall not exceed 15,100 square feet. No restaurant or take-out restaurant with a drive-thru business shall be permitted.


    There shall be a maximum lot coverage of 25 percent.


    No building shall exceed 36 feet in height or 3 stories except for architectural features containing no leasable space.


    A minimum of 198 parking spaces shall be provided on the site.


    Building setbacks shall be provided in accordance with Exhibit C entitled "Site Plan" dated July 23, 1987. The setback of the Building "B" wall facing El Nido Avenue shall be a minimum of 15 feet for the southernmost 80 feet of the building, and the remainder of the Building "B" shall be set back a minimum of 6 feet from the property line.


    Building "A" at the southeast corner of Colorado Boulevard and El Nido Avenue shown on Exhibit C entitled "Site Plan" shall not be demolished. It shall be retained on the site in its current location. Plans for the restoration and renovation of such building shall be submitted to the cultural heritage commission. Approval of such plans must be obtained prior to the issuance of any building permits.


    The entire project including Building "A" shall be subject to review and approval by the design review committee prior to issuance of any building permit. Specific attention shall be given to the doors along El Nido frontage. All doors retained shall be used as emergency exit doors only, not service doors.


    A master sign plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator and by the design review committee, prior to issuance of any building permits.


    Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with a detailed plan to be submitted to and approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of any building permits. The plan shall adequately buffer the project from the adjoining residential area and screen the parking from view from the public right-of-way. In addition, the plan shall include drought-resistant plant materials and low-volume irrigation where feasible.


    All other land use regulations, additional land use regulations, development standards, and additional development standards shall be in accordance with the CG (General Commercial) District regulations.


    All project lighting (including lighting in parking lots) shall be designed to direct glare away from adjacent properties and to conform to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 17.68.160.


    Refuse storage areas shall be integrated with the overall design of the project and shall be located so that they are not visible from the public right-of-way. Such storage must specifically comply with Ordinance No. 6211.