PD — 16 - Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Employee Parking)  

Latest version.
  • The following development standards shall apply to the property reclassified in Section 1 of Ordinance 6191:


    Site B as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference shall be restricted to the uses permitted or conditionally permitted within the open space zoning designation of the Pasadena Municipal Code (P.M.C. Chapter 17.36). The existing parking lot leased to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ("JPL") for temporary employee parking located on Site A as shown in Exhibit 1 shall be permitted to continue as an employee parking lot. All regulations of the open space (OS) zoning district shall apply. In the event of a conflict, the provisions of this PD shall apply.


    JPL shall restore and/or landscape the subject properties at the termination of the parking lease. Such restoration or landscape improvements shall be subject to a negotiated agreement between the city and JPL at that time. The cost of such landscaping improvements or restoration shall not exceed a reasonable determination of the cost to restore the property in a condition which existed on the effective date of the ordinance establishing this planned development. In addition, this agreement shall provide for the cost of appropriate landscaping on the immediate eastern and southern perimeter of the JPL property adjacent to the sites.


    Aisle and parking stall dimensions shall be in conformance with city standards and shall be approved by the public works department.


    Rerouting and surfacing of the equestrian trail shall be the responsibility of JPL and shall be agreed upon by a representative group of equestrian interests in the area and JPL. The temporary parking use shall be designed so as not to interfere with existing recreational activities, specifically the continuous access along the equestrian trail and safe and convenient crossing for horses where the trail meets the parking lot egress and ingress easement.


    Mitigation measures shall be taken to ensure that erosion on and surrounding the site will not increase. Plans for such mitigation measures, including drainage facilities and landscaping, shall be submitted to the city for approval prior to the issuance of any grading permits on the site. Any erosion damage which may occur to the equestrian trail as a result of the proposed alteration to provide for parking shall be repaired by JPL.


    The proposed improvements (landscaping, equestrian trail, maintenance and access) shall be reviewed and a status report prepared and presented to the Planning Commission by the planning staff 30 to 60 days after approval by the City Council and again one year later.


    JPL shall use these lots for employee parking only. If the lots are not being so utilized, their reversion back to open space use may be instituted as described in condition B above.