PD — 12 - Walnut - Los Robles  

Latest version.
  • The following development standards shall apply to the property reclassified in Section 2 of Ord. 6144:


    That portion of the property formerly in Central District 3 (CD-3) shall be used only for visitor accommodation: hotels and motels as defined in Chapter 17.16 or any other use permitted or conditionally permitted in CD-3 by Section 17.33.040. All of the land use regulations, additional use regulations and development standards of CD-3 that are not inconsistent with these development standards shall apply. In cases of conflict, these development standards shall prevail. That portion of the property formerly in Central District 16 (CD-16) shall be used only for the uses authorized in CD-16 by Section 17.33.040 of this code or any other uses authorized in CD-16 by Section 17.33.040. All of the land use regulations, additional use regulations and development standards of the CD-16 which are not inconsistent with these development regulations shall apply. In cases of conflict, these development standards shall prevail.


    The total height of the hotel building shall not exceed 145 feet measured from the natural grade to the top of building. The height of the hotel building shall not exceed 130 feet measured from the natural grade to the eave as shown on Exhibit 4 of Ord. 6144. The space between 130 feet and 145 feet shall be devoted to an architectural feature, and may not be occupied for any use other than mechanical equipment. The height of the office building shall not exceed 105 feet measured from the natural grade to the bottom of the eave.

    A sloping roof to screen mechanical equipment may extend beyond such limit not more than 15 feet. The other specific heights shown on Exhibit 4 of Ord. 6144 may be increased 5 feet or 5 percent, whichever is greater, provided there is no increase in net rentable space.


    There shall be a minimum of 850 parking spaces. Fifty percent of these spaces may have compact car stall dimensions.


    The parking provided for the hotel may use tandem parking with an attendant on duty. No more than 15 percent of the parking requirement of condition No. 4 above may be achieved through tandem parking. Within the parking required by condition No. 4, no tandem parking will be included for the office building. Such building shall meet the parking requirements of the Pasadena Municipal Code.


    The maximum site coverage for Parcels B, D, E and F shall not exceed 43 percent. The maximum site coverage for parcels B and D together shall not exceed 45 percent.


    There shall be substantial compliance with the interior setbacks shown on Exhibit 5 of Ord. 6144, entitled "Walnut-Los Robles PD Setbacks."


    The Odd Fellows Temple shall be relocated to another site in the city of Pasadena in accordance with the provisions of the Second Amended Restated Owner Participation Agreement (the "OPA") dated December 28, 1985, and incorporated herein by this reference.


    If the cultural heritage commission determines that Hutch's Barbeque Restaurant is capable of being relocated using the criteria of Section 2.46.140 of this code, it shall be made available free of charge to anyone wishing to assume financial responsibility for relocating it. Such relocation must occur within sufficient time so that the applicant may meet its obligations in the schedule of performance in the OPA.


    The project shall be submitted to the design review committee for its review and approval. This submittal shall include a signage plan and a landscape plan. The project shall maintain substantial compliance with Exhibits 4 and 5 (Proposed Walnut/Los Robles PD, Height Limits - Site Plan, and Elevations) and the model of the proposed project presented at the Planning Commission meeting of February 19, 1986.


    Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant (Maguire/Thomaz Partners/Pasadena Center Ltd.) shall submit a transportation systems management plan (TSM plan) which contains the following minimum requirements:


    Promote ride-sharing (i.e. carpools and vanpools) among project employees, including preferential parking for ride-sharing vehicles;


    Encourage use of mass transit by employees and shoppers;


    Provide bicycle racks to encourage employees and shoppers to ride bicycles to the center; and


    Encourage employment of people from the nearby residential neighborhoods. Such plan shall be submitted to the director of public works or his designee for his review and approval. No building permits shall be issued until such plan has been approved.


    All reasonable efforts shall be made to:


    Reduce the consumption of natural gas and electricity; and


    Use energy-conserving design and construction materials. The applicant shall consult with the city's energy coordinator to achieve to the maximum energy conservation which is feasible.


    During the grading period, the construction site shall be watered down at least twice daily to reduce construction-related emissions of dust. Grading shall be ceased during periods of high wind.


    The applicant shall assume financial responsibility for assessing the current condition of sewers serving the site and shall pay for any necessary repairs and/or upgrading required to service this project. Such assessment and repairs and/or upgrade shall be to the satisfaction of the department of public works. The cost of any additional repairs and/or upgrade beyond those required to service the project shall not be the responsibility of the applicant.


    The applicant shall widen portions of Los Robles Avenue from Union Street to just south of Walnut Street in conformance with the OPA.


    Approval of this PD is contingent on the use of parcels E and F as open space to preserve the view corridor to city hall.


    There shall be pedestrian access in the East City Hall View Corridor as defined in Section 17.33.080(K).


    All roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view.


    Construction activities shall take place only from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.


    The applicant shall screen construction activities from the adjacent land uses with fences.


    The parking surfaces in the parking structure shall be treated to reduce noise from vehicle tires.


    Exhaust fans in the parking structure shall be vented to the west side of the hotel and office structures but away from All Saints Church and the Maryland Apartments.


    If the OPA is terminated, either by the applicant/participant or the Pasadena Community Development Commission in conformance with the provisions of the OPA, the city shall initiate a change of zone to terminate this Walnut-Los Robles Planned Development, reverting to the CD-3 and CD-16 requirements. This action shall occur within 30 days of the termination of the OPA.


    The applicant shall comply with the "Affirmative Action Plan" and "Analysis of Internal Work Force" as specified by the OPA.