§ 14.70.050. Violation.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for an owner to do any of the following:


    Maintain any vacant lot or building in a blighted condition in violation of the property maintenance and nuisance abatement ordinance and this section;


    Fail to register a vacant lot or building with the neighborhood services division after receiving two notices of violation in a twelve-month period;


    Fail to submit a property maintenance plan within ten (10) days after receiving a second notice of violation within a twelve-month period;


    Fail to comply with an approved vacant building or lot plan or approved modification thereto;


    Permit the exterior of a building to be in a state of partial construction beyond the expiration date in a building permit;


    Partially demolish a building; and


    Permit 50% of a vacant building's painted surface or stucco to be in a state of peeling, cracking or deterioration after notification by the city.

(Ord. 6744 § 2 (part), 1998)