§ 14.60.080. Notice of hearing and order of abatement.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The officials charged with enforcement shall cause to be issued a notice of hearing to the record owner of the building as shown on the latest equalized tax assessment roll by mailing the same to the owner's address as indicated thereon, and further by conspicuously posting a copy of the notice on the affected property. The notice shall be issued not less than seven days before the scheduled hearing.


    The notice shall state the nature of the alleged public nuisance, the address and legal description of the property involved, the time and place of the hearing to determine whether the same constitutes a public nuisance, the official before whom the matter will be heard, and the manner of proposed abatement if the same is found to be a public nuisance.


    The notice shall inform the slumlord that under Sections 17274 and 24436.5 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code that no tax deduction is allowed for interest, taxes, depreciation or amortization paid or incurred in the taxable year on rental income from substandard housing, and of the city's intention to contact the State of California Franchise Tax Board after the expiration of the time period indicated in the statute should a public nuisance be found.

(Ord. 6468 § 2 (part), 1991)