§ 14.26.020. High-rise prefire planning.  

Latest version.
  • Every high-rise building owner, manager, operator, administrator, and tenant, in cooperation with the Pasadena fire department, shall establish, implement, and maintain an emergency prefire evacuation plan, referred to in this chapter as "evacuation plan," for the building which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:


    Assignment of a responsible person as fire safety director who shall work with the fire department in the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the emergency prefire plan; and


    The annual instruction of all high-rise building occupants on the procedures to be followed in the event of fire, earthquake or other emergency, including evacuation procedures; documentation of occupant instruction shall be maintained by the fire safety director and shall be available for Pasadena fire department inspection upon request. Such instruction of all new occupants shall occur within 14 days of their assuming occupancy in the building; and


    The appointment of a responsible person on each floor, with alternates, who, in cooperation with the fire safety director, shall oversee evacuation team and occupant instruction and shall ensure safe and complete evacuation or relocation of occupants during a fire or other emergency, or fire drill; and


    The preparation and posting of emergency exit plans and evacuation procedures, which are to be approved by the Pasadena fire department in advance, in prominent locations in each quadrant of each floor, in every elevator lobby above the first floor, and in each dwelling unit, hotel guest room and office area.

(Ord. 5508 § 2 (part), 1981)