§ 14.12.250. Costs and account payments.  

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  • A.

    Costs incurred under this chapter shall be paid out of the city treasury and constitute a lien against the property upon which the substandard building or nuisance was maintained and shall also become a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time of abatement. Such costs shall also be charged as a special assessment against the premises.


    Costs incurred under this chapter which have been paid out of the city treasury shall be collected in the following manner:


    The city shall file and record a lien for such costs with the county clerk.


    Payment of city billing for city-incurred costs shall be remitted in cash within 30 days of the initial billing.


    Beginning 30 days after initial billing, all unpaid accounts shall be delinquent and shall incur service charges at the rate of one and five-tenths percent per month on the outstanding balance, provided such balance does not exceed $1,000.00. The service charge on that part of the outstanding balance which exceeds $1,000.00 shall be at the rate of one percent per month.


    At any time prior to transfer to the secured property tax roll, the owner of the premises may enter into a contract with the city providing for installment payments of the city costs and any incurred service charges. The period for payment shall not exceed twelve months. During the term of the contract, installment payments shall include finance charges at the rate of one and five-tenths percent per month on any outstanding balance under $1,000.00 and one percent per month on that part of any outstanding balance which exceeds $1,000.00.


    In January and July of each year there shall be published once in the local newspaper a list of delinquent unpaid accounts, except those contract accounts which are not in arrears. All delinquent accounts so listed shall have added thereto a charge of three dollars to cover the cost of the publication.


    On August 15th of each year, all delinquent unpaid accounts, including contract accounts then in arrears, shall be transferred to the secured property tax roll and shall thereafter be collected in the manner provided for special assessments.


    When such unpaid accounts are transferred to the secured property tax roll for collection purposes, a penalty in an amount equal to ten percent of the accrued unpaid balance of the account shall be added to the amount transferred.


    Charges as transferred to the tax roll shall be subject to those penalties which would apply to delinquent secured property taxes.

(Ord. 6353 § 3 (part), 1989)