§ 14.12.200. Order—Extension of time.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The order to vacate, repair, rehabilitate, or demolish or remove, shall set forth the street address of the building and a legal description of the premises sufficient for identification. It shall contain a statement of the violations which render the building substandard.


    The order shall specify the time when the work required must be commenced which shall not be more than 48 hours in the case of an emergency, nor later than 30 days after the issuance of nonemergency orders. Nonemergency orders shall further specify a reasonable time limit within which the work shall be completed.


    After a matter has been heard by the code enforcement appeals commission, the administrator of housing and neighborhood services may for good cause shown, extend the time for completion of a commission order upon written application by an interested party.

(Ord. 6353 § 3 (part), 1989)